Modern American History
Students to Soldiers
Students to Soldiers
Secret Military Education at Elite Schools, 1815–1945
John F. Morris
Those Who Stayed
Those Who Stayed
A Vietnam Diary
Claudia Krich
Diplomats at War
Diplomats at War
Friendship and Betrayal on the Brink of the Vietnam Conflict
Charles Trueheart
Year Zero
Year Zero
The Five-Year Presidency
Christopher P. Liddell
Inspectors General and the Battle for Honest and Accountable Government
Glenn A. Fine
The Struggle for Change
The Struggle for Change
Race and the Politics of Reconciliation in Modern Richmond
Marvin T. Chiles
The New Dominion
The New Dominion
The Twentieth-Century Elections That Shaped Modern Virginia
Edited by John G. Milliken and Mark J. Rozell
Making #Charlottesville
Making #Charlottesville
Media from Civil Rights to Unite the Right
Aniko Bodroghkozy
Skimpy Coverage
Skimpy Coverage
Sports Illustrated and the Shaping of the Female Athlete
Bonnie M. Hagerman
Faith, Race, and the Lost Cause
Faith, Race, and the Lost Cause
Confessions of a Southern Church
Christopher Alan Graham. Foreword by the Reverend Melanie Mullen
Drawing Liberalism
Drawing Liberalism
Herblock’s Political Cartoons in Postwar America
Simon Appleford
Mourning the Presidents
Mourning the Presidents
Loss and Legacy in American Culture 
Edited by Lindsay M. Chervinsky and Matthew R. Costello
The Peaceful Transfer of Power
The Peaceful Transfer of Power
An Oral History of America’s Presidential Transitions
David Marchick and Alexander Tippett with A. J. Wilson
Averting Doomsday
Averting Doomsday
Arms Control during the Nixon Presidency
Patrick J. Garrity and Erin R. Mahan
The Presidency
The Presidency
Facing Constitutional Crossroads
Edited by Michael Nelson and Barbara A. Perry
Against the Hounds of Hell
Against the Hounds of Hell
A Life of Howard Thurman
Peter Eisenstadt
Republican Populist
Republican Populist
Spiro Agnew and the Origins of Donald Trump’s America
Charles J. Holden, Zach Messitte, and Jerald Podair
How Redistricting Has Protected Slavery, White Supremacy, and Partisan Minorities in Virginia
Brent Tarter
A Little Child Shall Lead Them
A Little Child Shall Lead Them
A Documentary Account of the Struggle for School Desegregation in Prince Edward County, Virginia
Edited by Brian J. Daugherity and Brian Grogan
The First Two Years
Michael Nelson
Segregation's Science
Segregation's Science
Eugenics and Society in Virginia
Gregory Michael Dorr
Trump's First Year
Trump's First Year
Michael Nelson
The Making of a Racist
The Making of a Racist
A Southerner Reflects on Family, History, and the Slave Trade
Charles B. Dew
The Uplift Generation
The Uplift Generation
Cooperation across the Color Line in Early Twentieth-Century Virginia
Clayton McClure Brooks
Presidential Recordings Digital Edition
Presidential Recordings Digital Edition
Fatal Politics
Fatal Politics
The Nixon Tapes, the Vietnam War, and the Casualties of Reelection
Ken Hughes
Keep On Keeping On
Keep On Keeping On
The NAACP and the Implementation of Brown v. Board of Education in Virginia
Brian J. Daugherity
Chasing Shadows
Chasing Shadows
The Nixon Tapes, the Chennault Affair, and the Origins of Watergate
Ken Hughes
The War Bells Have Rung
The War Bells Have Rung
The LBJ Tapes and the Americanization of the Vietnam War
George Herring
Woodrow Wilson and the Great War
Woodrow Wilson and the Great War
Reconsidering America's Neutrality, 1914–1917
Robert W. Tucker
A White Southerner's Journey through Segregation to Human Rights Activism
Edward H. Peeples, with Nancy MacLean. Afterword by James H. Hershman Jr.
Letters and Photographs from the Battle Country
Letters and Photographs from the Battle Country
The World War I Memoir of Margaret Hall
Margaret Hall. Edited by Margaret R. Higonnet
The Republican Party in the Age of Roosevelt
The Republican Party in the Age of Roosevelt
Sources of Anti-Government Conservatism in the United States
Elliot A. Rosen
A Deed So Accursed
A Deed So Accursed
Lynching in Mississippi and South Carolina, 1881–1940
Terence Finnegan
Roosevelt, the Great Depression, and the Economics of Recovery
Roosevelt, the Great Depression, and the Economics of Recovery
Elliot A. Rosen
Elusive Equality
Elusive Equality
Desegregation and Resegregation in Norfolk's Public Schools
Jeffrey L. Littlejohn and Charles H. Ford
The Eleanor Roosevelt Papers
The Eleanor Roosevelt Papers
Volume 2
The Human Rights Years, 1949–1952
Eleanor Roosevelt. Edited by Allida Black. Foreword by Boutros Boutros-Ghali
The Educational Legacy of Woodrow Wilson
The Educational Legacy of Woodrow Wilson
From College to Nation
Edited by James Axtell
On the Trail of the D.C. Sniper
On the Trail of the D.C. Sniper
Fear and the Media
Jack R. Censer. with the assistance of William Miller
The Eleanor Roosevelt Papers
The Eleanor Roosevelt Papers
Volume 1
The Human Rights Years, 1945-1948
Eleanor Roosevelt. Edited by Allida Black
Opportunity Time
Opportunity Time
Linwood Holton
Indian Captivity in Spanish America
Indian Captivity in Spanish America
Frontier Narratives
Fernando Operé. Translated by Gustavo Pellón
The President and His Biographer
The President and His Biographer
Woodrow Wilson and Ray Stannard Baker
Merrill D. Peterson
Revolution in Virginia, with a new Foreword
John E. Selby
Revolution in Virginia, with a new Foreword
John E. Selby
Brushing Back Jim Crow
Brushing Back Jim Crow
The Integration of Minor-League Baseball in the American South
Bruce Adelson
Black, White, and Olive Drab
Black, White, and Olive Drab
Racial Integration at Fort Jackson, South Carolina, and the Civil Rights Movement
Andrew H. Myers
The Curry School of Education at the University of Virginia, 1905-2005
The Curry School of Education at the University of Virginia, 1905-2005
Preparing Men and Women for Leadership in Scientific Educational Work
Eleanor Vernon Wilson
Faces of Community
Faces of Community
Immigrant Massachusetts 1860-2000
Conrad E. Wright and Reed Ueda
"Starving Armenians"
"Starving Armenians"
America and the Armenian Genocide, 1915–1930 and After
Merrill D. Peterson
At the Picture Show
At the Picture Show
Small-Town Audiences and the Creation of Movie Fan Culture
Kathryn H. Fuller
The Southern Agrarians and the New Deal
The Southern Agrarians and the New Deal
Essays after I'll Take My Stand
Emily S. Bingham and Thomas A. Underwood, eds.
The Moral Architecture of World Peace
The Moral Architecture of World Peace
Nobel Laureates Discuss Our Global Future
Helena Cobban
Philosophy of History after Postmodernism
Ewa Domanska. Introduction by Allan Megill, Afterword by Lynn Hunt
Interracialism and Christian Community in the Postwar South
Interracialism and Christian Community in the Postwar South
The Story of Koinonia Farm
Tracy Elaine K'meyer
William Edward Dodd
William Edward Dodd
The South's Yeoman Scholar
Fred Arthur Bailey
Jean-Bertrand Aristide. Translated by Carrol F. Coates. Afterword by Carrol F. Coates. Introduction by Christophe Wargny
Harry Byrd of Virginia
Harry Byrd of Virginia
Ronald L. Heinemann
Guidebooks to Sin
The Blue Books of Storyville, New Orleans
Pamela D. Arceneaux
Guidebooks to Sin
The Blue Books of Storyville, New Orleans
Pamela D. Arceneaux
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