The iconic Streetcar Named Desire characters Blanche DuBois and Stanley Kowalski face off in court in Tennessee Williams’s poem “Kicks,” an archival gem that appears here in print for the first time. Biographical and textual introductions contextualize the poem, written during the challenging years of the playwright's late career. Inside, essays question Tom Wingfield’s memory in The Glass Menagerie, listen for Williams’s echoes of John Donne, explore archives in six states in order to track the playwright’s power struggle with Elia Kazan over Sweet Bird of Youth, and invite readers to experience a colorful and terrifying Viennese production of A Streetcar Named Desire.
The iconic Streetcar Named Desire characters Blanche DuBois and Stanley Kowalski face off in court in Tennessee Williams’s poem “Kicks,” an archival gem that appears here in print for the first time. Biographical and textual introductions contextualize the poem, written during the challenging years of the playwright's late career. Inside, essays question Tom Wingfield’s memory in The Glass Menagerie, listen for Williams’s echoes of John Donne, explore archives in six states in order to track the playwright’s power struggle with Elia Kazan over Sweet Bird of Youth, and invite readers to experience a colorful and terrifying Viennese production of A Streetcar Named Desire.