Religion & Philosophy
Confessing the Flesh
Confessing the Flesh
Reading Hopkins in Context
Lesley Higgins
Philosophy as Poetry
Philosophy as Poetry
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Milieus of Minutiae
Milieus of Minutiae
Contextualizing the Small in Literature, Philosophy, and Science
Edited by Elizabeth Brogden and Christiane Frey
American Koan
American Koan
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Ben Van Overmeire
Is Reality beyond Good and Evil?
Is Reality beyond Good and Evil?
Tibetan Buddhist Inquiry into the Ultimate Virtue
Yaroslav Komarovski
The Grand Collaboration
The Grand Collaboration
Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and the Invention of American Religious Freedom
Steven K. Green
Longing to Awaken
Longing to Awaken
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Edited by Holly Gayley and Dominique Townsend
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Meditation and the Martial Arts
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Sacred Capital
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Hunter Price
The Cosmos, the Person, and the Sadhana
The Cosmos, the Person, and the Sadhana
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Singer of the Land of Snows
Singer of the Land of Snows
Shabkar, Buddhism, and Tibetan National Identity
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On the Perpetual Strangeness of the Bible
On the Perpetual Strangeness of the Bible
Michael Edwards
From Theology to Theological Thinking
From Theology to Theological Thinking
Jean-Yves Lacoste. Translated by W. Chris Hackett. Introduction by Jeffrey Bloechl
Fully Alive
Fully Alive
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Stanley Hauerwas
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Empiricist Devotions
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Faith, Race, and the Lost Cause
Faith, Race, and the Lost Cause
Confessions of a Southern Church
Christopher Alan Graham. Foreword by the Reverend Melanie Mullen
In Search of Justice in Thailand’s Deep South
In Search of Justice in Thailand’s Deep South
Malay Muslim and Thai Buddhist Women’s Narratives
Edited by John Clifford Holt. Compiled by Soraya Jamjuree and translated by Hara Shintaro
Words Made Flesh
Words Made Flesh
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Sean Dempsey
Precarious Balance
Precarious Balance
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More Things in Heaven and Earth
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Sex and Sects
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Uncommon Sense
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Hope without Optimism
Hope without Optimism
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Winged Stallions and Wicked Mares
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The Problem with Rules
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God on the Grounds
God on the Grounds
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Monumental Jesus
Monumental Jesus
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Buddha in the Marketplace
Buddha in the Marketplace
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Reading the Hindu and Christian Classics
Reading the Hindu and Christian Classics
Why and How Deep Learning Still Matters
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Word, Like Fire
Word, Like Fire
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The Way of the 88 Temples
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Fathoming the Cosmos and Ordering the World
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Experiencing William James
Belief in a Pluralistic World
James Campbell
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Rethinking Sincerity and Authenticity
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The Newark Earthworks
The Newark Earthworks
Enduring Monuments, Contested Meanings
Edited by Lindsay Jones and Richard D. Shiels
Ideas to Live For
Ideas to Live For
Toward a Global Ethics
Giles Gunn
The Early Christian Doctrine of God
Robert M. Grant
The Early Christian Doctrine of God
Robert M. Grant
The Pagan Writes Back
The Pagan Writes Back
When World Religion Meets World Literature
Zhange Ni
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Sobering Wisdom
Philosophical Explorations of Twelve Step Spirituality
Edited by Jerome A. Miller and Nicholas Plants
Freud and Augustine in Dialogue
Freud and Augustine in Dialogue
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Vigilant Faith
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Daniel Boscaljon
The Mystery of Continuity
The Mystery of Continuity
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Fatalism in American Film Noir
Fatalism in American Film Noir
Some Cinematic Philosophy
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Christian Fundamentalism and the Culture of Disenchantment
Christian Fundamentalism and the Culture of Disenchantment
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Bewildered Travel
The Sacred Quest for Confusion
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Doing Justice to Mercy
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Postmodernism and the Revolution in Religious Theory
Postmodernism and the Revolution in Religious Theory
Toward a Semiotics of the Event
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The Way of the Stars
The Way of the Stars
Journeys on the Camino de Santiago
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Textual Intimacy
Textual Intimacy
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When the Sun Danced
When the Sun Danced
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The Reason of the Gift
The Reason of the Gift
Jean-Luc Marion. translated by Stephen E. Lewis
The Science of Religion in Britain, 1860-1915
The Science of Religion in Britain, 1860-1915
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Encountering the Secular
Encountering the Secular
Philosophical Endeavors in Religion and Culture
J. Heath Atchley
Religion after Postmodernism
Religion after Postmodernism
Retheorizing Myth and Literature
Victor E. Taylor
Mourning Religion
Mourning Religion
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Praise of the Secular
Praise of the Secular
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Sacred Claims
Repatriation and Living Tradition
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The Making of Modern Cynicism
The Making of Modern Cynicism
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The Conversation of Humanity
The Conversation of Humanity
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John Ruskin and the Ethics of Consumption
John Ruskin and the Ethics of Consumption
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Socrates and the Irrational
Socrates and the Irrational
James S. Hans
Religion and Violence in a Secular World
Religion and Violence in a Secular World
Toward a New Political Theology
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Pontius Pilate
Pontius Pilate
Roger Caillois. Translated by Charles Lam Markmann, with an introduction by Ivan Strenski
Paranoia and Contentment
Paranoia and Contentment
A Personal Essay on Western Thought
John C. Hampsey
The Book of Common Prayer, 1559
The Book of Common Prayer, 1559
The Elizabethan Prayer Book
Booty, John E., ed. Foreword by Judith D. Maltby
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Nietzsche on Gender
Beyond Man and Woman
Frances Nesbitt Oppel
Northrop Frye
Northrop Frye
Religious Visionary and Architect of the Spiritual World
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The Value of Solitude
The Value of Solitude
The Ethics and Spirituality of Aloneness in Autobiography
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Between Faith and Thought
Between Faith and Thought
An Essay on the Ontotheological Condition
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Exhibiting Religion
Exhibiting Religion
Colonialism and Spectacle at International Expositions, 1851–1893
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Taking Responsibility
Taking Responsibility
Comparative Perspectives
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Symbolic Loss
Symbolic Loss
The Ambiguity of Mourning and Memory at Century's End
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Modernity and Subjectivity
Modernity and Subjectivity
Body, Soul, Spirit
Harvie Ferguson
Boredom and the Religious Imagination
Boredom and the Religious Imagination
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Creationism on Trial
Creationism on Trial
Evolution and God at Little Rock
Langdon Gilkey
The Otherness of God
The Otherness of God
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Myth and Method
Myth and Method
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Savage Systems
Savage Systems
Colonialism and Comparative Religion in Southern Africa
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Crossing Boundaries
Crossing Boundaries
Knowledge, Disciplinarities, and Interdisciplinarities
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Captured by Texts
Captured by Texts
Puritan to Postmodern Images of Indian Captivity
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Aristotelian and Cartesian Logic at Harvard
Aristotelian and Cartesian Logic at Harvard
Charles Morton's Logick System & William Brattle's Compendium of Logick
Edited by Rick Kennedy
Versions of Deconversion
Versions of Deconversion
Autobiography and the Loss of Faith
John D. Barbour
The Indirect Communication
Roger Poole
Historical and Critical Studies in Disciplinarity
Edited by Ellen Messer-Davidow, David R. Shumway, and David J. Sylvan
System of Transcendental Idealism (1800)
System of Transcendental Idealism (1800)
F. W. J. Schelling. Translated by Peter Heath. Introduction by Michael Vater
The Recovery of Rhetoric
The Recovery of Rhetoric
Persuasive Discourse and Disciplinarity in the Human Sciences
R. H. Roberts and J. M. M. Good, eds.
Ordinarily Sacred
Ordinarily Sacred
Lynda Sexson
Conversion and Text
Conversion and Text
The Cases of Augustine of Hippo, Herman-Judah, and Constantine Tsatsos
Karl F. Morrison
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