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Award Winners
All Books A - Z
"A God of Justice?" - Qiana J. Whitted
"Answer at Once" - Katrina M. Powell, ed.
"Beyond Our Wildest Dreams" - Ineke van Kessel
"Esteemed Bookes of Lawe" and the Legal Culture of Early Virginia - Edited by Warren M. Billings and Brent Tarter
"Evil People" - Johannes Dillinger. translated by Laura Stokes
"I, Too, Am America" - Theresa A. Singleton, ed.
"In the Hands of a Good Providence" - Mary V. Thompson
"Let a Common Interest Bind Us Together" - Albrecht Koschnik
"Starving Armenians" - Merrill D. Peterson
"The Best Read Naturalist" - Ralph Waldo Emerson. Edited by Michael P. Branch and Clinton Mohs
"The Only Unavoidable Subject of Regret" - Mary V. Thompson
"Those Who Labor for My Happiness" - Lucia Stanton
"What Shall We Do with the Negro?" - Paul D. Escott
1 2 3 University - Andrew Arthur Rouner
1930 - Arthur Lyon. Edited by Larry Lyon, with annotations by Denis Wood and an afterword by Sally Denton
250 Years in Fauquier County - Kathi A. Brown, Walter Nicklin, and John Toler
A "Topping People" - Emory G. Evans
A Blue Moon in Poorwater - Cathryn Hankla
A British Eyewitness at the Battle of New Orleans - Edited by Gene A. Smith
A Closer Look - The Historic New Orleans Collection
A Company Man - Edited by Erin M. Greenwald
A Critique of Modern Textual Criticism, Foreword by David C Greetham - Jerome J. Mcgann
A Cultural History of Underdevelopment - John Patrick Leary
A Deed So Accursed - Terence Finnegan
A Deserving Brother - Mark A. Tabbert
A Fine Body of Men - Donald Peter Moriarty, II
A German Barber-Surgeon in the Atlantic Slave Trade - Johann Peter Oettinger. Edited and translated by Craig Koslofsky and Roberto Zaugg
A Guide to Documentary Editing - Mary-Jo Kline and Susan Holbrook Perdue. Foreword by Roger A. Bruns
A Guidebook to Virginia's African American Historical Markers - originally published by Virginia Department of Historic Resources. Compiled by Jennifer R. Loux, Matthew Gottlieb, and James K. Hare. Foreword by Colita N. Fairfax
A Guidebook to Virginia's Historical Markers - Virginia Dept. of Historic Resources. Compiled by Scott David Arnold
A History of Household Government in America - Carole Shammas
A History of the European Economy, 1000-2000 - Francois Crouzet
A House Divided - Patience Essah
A Language of Things - Devin P. Zuber
A Life in Jazz - Danny Barker
A Literary Guide to Washington, DC - Kim Roberts
A Little Child Shall Lead Them - Edited by Brian J. Daugherity and Brian Grogan
A Many-Colored Glass - Freeman J. Dyson
A Natural History of Quiet Waters - Curtis J. Badger
A Naturalist's Guide to the Virginia Coast - Curtis J. Badger
A New Continent of Liberty - Geoff Hamilton
A New Plantation South - Jeannie M. Whayne
A Noble Feast - Christopher Hartop. Preface by Ellenor Alcorn
A Noble Pursuit - Christopher Hartop. Preface by Ellenor Alcorn
A Notorious Woman - Elizabeth J. Clapp
A Passion for the Past - Ivor Noël Hume
A Passionate Usefulness - Gary D. Schmidt
A Place Called Ilda - Tom Shoop
A Political Nation - Edited by Gary W. Gallagher and Rachel A. Shelden
A Queer Chivalry - Julia F. Saville
A Rain of Words - Irène Assiba d'Almeida, ed. Translated by Janis A. Mayes
A Republic for the Ages - Donald R. Kennon, ed.
A Saga of the New South - Brent Tarter
A Separate Civil War - Jonathan Dean Sarris
A Shared Vision - Edited by Corey Piper
A Single, Numberless Death - Nora Strejilevich. Translated by Cristina de la Torre with the collaboration of the author
A Small Boy and Others - Henry James. Edited by Peter Collister
A Soldier's Life - Edna W. Cummings
A Southern Practice - Steven Stowe, ed.
A Storm over This Court - Jeffrey D. Hockett
A Strife of Tongues - Stephen E. Maizlish
A Useful Dog - Donald McCaig
A Voyage to Virginia in 1609 - William Strachey and Silvester Jourdain. Edited by Louis B. Wright. Foreword by Alden T. Vaughan
A Waltz - Lynda Chouiten. Translated by Skyler Artes. Afterword by Mildred Mortimer
A Warring Nation - Bertram Wyatt-Brown
A Way out of No Way - Dianne Swann-Wright
A Woman's War - Edward D. C. Campbell, Jr. and Kim S. Rice. Foreword by Suzanne Lebsock
A Word or Two Before I Go - Arthur Krystal
A World of Disorderly Notions - Aaron R. Hanlon
A World of Their Own - Meghan Healy-Clancy
A Year in Rock Creek Park - Melanie Choukas-Bradley. Photographs by Susan Austin Roth
A Young Virginia Boatman Navigates the Civil War - George Randolph Wood. Edited by Will Molineux. Introduction by Scott Nelson
A briefe and true report of the new found land of Virginia - Thomas Hariot
Above All, Don't Look Back - Maïssa Bey. translation by Senja L. Djelouah; introduction by Mildred P. Mortimer
Accommodating Revolutions - Albert H. Tillson, Jr.
Across the Continent - Edited by Douglas Seefeldt, Jeffrey L. Hantman, and Peter S. Onuf
Acting Naturally - Lynn M. Voskuil
Activism and the American Novel - Channette Romero
Acts of Narrative Resistance - Laura J. Beard
African Americans and the Culture of Pain - Debra Walker King
African Impressions - Rebekah Mitsein
African Musicians in the Atlantic World - Mary Caton Lingold
Afro-Creole Poetry in French from Louisiana's Radical Civil War-Era Newspapers - Edited by Clint Bruce
After Apartheid - Edited by Ian Shapiro and Kahreen Tebeau
After August - Patrick Maley
After Emancipation - Edited by Kirt von Daacke and Andrea Douglas
After Print - Edited by Rachael Scarborough King
After Virginia Tech - Thomas P. Kapsidelis
After the Deluge - Edited by Kim Tanzer
Against Better Judgment - Thomas Salem Manganaro
Against Popery - Edited by Evan Haefeli
Against the Hounds of Hell - Peter Eisenstadt
Against the Map - Adam Sills
Against the Unspeakable - Naomi Mandel
Aging and Gender in Literature - Anne M. Wyatt-Brown and Janice Rossen, eds.
Alexis de Tocqueville and Gustave de Beaumont in America - Alexis de Tocqueville. Edited by Olivier Zunz. Translated by Arthur Goldhammer
All That Mighty Heart - Lisa Russ Spaar, ed.
All the Devils Are Here - David Greven
Almanac of Virginia Politics 2008 - Toni-Michelle C. Travis
Almost Hemingway - Rex Bowman and Carlos Santos
Almost Home - Kristine F. Miller
Almost a Girl - Alan Williamson
Ambivalent Miracles - Nancy D. Wadsworth
Amelioration and Empire - Christa Dierksheide
America on the Eve of the Civil War - edited by Edward L. Ayers and Carolyn R. Martin
America's Wetland - Roy T. Sawyer
American Abolitionism - Stanley Harrold
American Art at the Chrysler Museum - Martha N. Hagood and Jefferson C. Harrison
American Art at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts - Elizabeth O'Leary, Sylvia Yount, Susan J. Rawles, and David Park Curry
American Autopia - Gabrielle Esperdy
American Dreams - Edited by Guian McKee and Cristina Lopez-Gottardi Chao
American Exceptionalism, American Anxiety - Jonathan A. Glickstein
American Iconographic - Stephanie L. Hawkins
American Imperialism's Undead - Raphael Dalleo
American Koan - Ben Van Overmeire
American Road Narratives - Ann Brigham
American Women Writers and the Nazis - Thomas Carl Austenfeld
An African Classical Age - Christopher Ehret
An Age of Hubris - Timothy Keegan
An American Cutting Garden - Suzanne McIntire
An American Homeplace - Donald McCaig
An Annotated Edition of the 1796 Library Catalogue of the Massachusetts Historical Society - John D. Cushing
An Evening When Alone - Michael O'Brien, ed.
An Illustrated Glossary of Early Southern Architecture and Landscape - Carl R. Lounsbury, ed.
An Illustrated Guide to Eastern Woodland Wildflowers and Trees - Melanie Choukas-Bradley. Illustrated by Tina Thieme Brown
Analogy and Design - Andrea Ponsi. Translated by Antony Shugaar
Anecdotes of Enlightenment - James Robert Wood
Answering the Call of the Court - Vanessa A. Baird
Anthropocene Fictions - Adam Trexler
Anthropology and Africa - Sally Falk Moore
Apostles of Disunion - Charles Dew
Arabic as a Secret Song - Leïla Sebbar. Translated by Skyler Artes. Afterword by Mildred Mortimer
Architecture as Medicine - Reuben M. Rainey and Alana K. Schrader
Architecture in Play - Tamar Zinguer
Architectures of Slavery - Edited by Nathaniel Robert Walker and Rachel Ama Asaa Engmann
Archival Communities - Derek Kane O'Leary
Aristotelian and Cartesian Logic at Harvard - Edited by Rick Kennedy
Armed Citizens - Noah Shusterman
Army Spouses - Morten G. Ender
Art and Revolution - Diana Wylie
Artist of Wonderland - Frankie Morris
Artistic Ambassadors - Brian Russell Roberts
Ashe County's Civil War - Martin Crawford
At Home and Astray - Philip Howell
At Home with Apartheid - Rebecca Ginsburg
At the Café and The Talisman - Mohammed Dib. Translated by C. Dickson. afterword by Mildred P. Mortimer
At the Picture Show - Kathryn H. Fuller
Auden and Documentary in the 1930s - Marsha Bryant
Aunt Résia and the Spirits and Other Stories - Yanick Lahens. Translated by Betty Wilson. Foreword by Edwidge Danticat. Introduction by Marie-Agnès Sourieau
Author and Printer in Victorian England - Allan C. Dooley
Autobiographical Quests - Elizabeth de Mijolla
Autobiography and National Identity in the Americas - Steven V. Hunsaker
Averting Doomsday - Patrick J. Garrity and Erin R. Mahan
Avoiding War with China - Amitai Etzioni
Bacchus and Civic Order - B. Ann Tlusty
Back from the Far Field - Bernard W. Quetchenbach
Backlash - Rachel Carnell
Backstage in the Novel - Francesca Saggini. Translated by Laura Kopp
Bad Men - Howard Rambsy II
Balzac on the Barricades - Rebecca Terese Powers
Barbaric Culture and Black Critique - Stefan M. Wheelock
Basura - Samuel Amago
Bathed in Blood - Nicolas W. Proctor
Battle over the Bench - Amy Steigerwalt
Be It Ever So Humble - Scott R. MacKenzie
Beastly Natures - edited by Dorothee Brantz
Beautiful Deceptions - Philipp Schweighauser
Beauty - Frederick Turner
Becoming Lincoln - William W. Freehling
Becoming Men of Some Consequence - John A. Ruddiman
Bedazzled Saints - Noria K. Litaker
Before American History - Christen Mucher
Before Freedom Came - Edward D. C. Campbell, Jr. and Kim S. Rice, eds.
Before Manifest Destiny - Nicholas G. DiPucchio
Behind Her Times - Judith Wilt
Being Apart - LaRose T. Parris
Beloved Boy - Edited by Rosella Mamoli Zorzi. Introduction by Millicent Bell
Belzoni - Ivor Noël Hume
Best New Poets 2006 - Edited by Eric Pankey. Series edited by Jeb Livingood
Best New Poets 2007 - Edited by Natasha Trethewey. Series edited by Jeb Livingood
Best New Poets 2008 - Edited by Mark Strand. Series edited by Jeb Livingood
Best New Poets 2009 - Edited by Kim Addonizio. Series edited by Jeb Livingood
Best New Poets 2010 - Edited by Claudia Emerson. Series edited by Jeb Livingood
Best New Poets 2011 - Edited by D. A. Powell. Series edited by Jazzy Danziger and Jeb Livingood
Best New Poets 2012 - Edited by Matthew Dickman. Series edited by Jazzy Danziger
Best New Poets 2013 - Edited by Brenda Shaughnessy. Series edited by Jazzy Danziger
Best New Poets 2014 - Edited by Dorianne Laux. Series edited by Jazzy Danziger
Best New Poets 2015 - Edited by Tracy K. Smith. Series edited by Jazzy Danziger
Best New Poets 2016 - Edited by Mary Szybist. Series edited by Jeb Livingood and Angie Hogan
Best New Poets 2017 - Edited by Natalie Diaz
Best New Poets 2018 - Edited by Kyle Dargan
Best New Poets 2019 - Edited by Cate Marvin
Best New Poets 2020 - Edited by Brian Teare
Best New Poets 2021 - Edited by Kaveh Akbar and Jeb Livingood
Best New Poets 2022 - Edited by Paula Bohince. Jeb Livingood, Series Editor
Best New Poets 2023 - Anna Journey. Jeb Livingood
Best New Poets 2024 - Anders Carlson-Wee. Series Editor Jeb Livingood
Best Practices in Online Teaching and Learning across Academic Disciplines - Edited by Ross C. Alexander
Between Faith and Thought - Jeffrey W. Robbins
Between Sovereignty and Anarchy - Edited by Patrick Griffin, Robert G. Ingram, Peter S. Onuf, and Brian Schoen
Between the Novel and the News - Sari Edelstein
Bewildered Travel - Frederick J. Ruf
Beyond 1776 - Edited by Maria O'Malley and Denys Van Renen
Beyond Nature Writing - Karla M. Armbruster and Kathleen R. Wallace, eds.
Beyond Nostalgia - Ruth E. Ray
Beyond the Moulin Rouge - Will Visconti
Beyond the Royal Gaze - Neil Kodesh
Biography of a Tenement House in New York City - Andrew S. Dolkart
Birds of a Feather - The Historic New Orleans Collection
Bitter Fruits of Bondage - Armstead L. Robinson. Introduction by Joseph P. Reidy
Black Aesthetics and the Interior Life - Christopher Freeburg
Black Confederates and Afro-Yankees in Civil War Virginia - Ervin L. Jordan, Jr.
Black Cosmopolitans - Christine Levecq
Black Fascisms - Mark Christian Thompson
Black Landscapes Matter - Edited by Walter Hood and Grace Mitchell Tada
Black Prisoners and Their World, Alabama, 1865-1900 - Mary Ellen Curtin
Black Reason, White Feeling - Hannah Spahn
Black Suffrage - Paul D. Escott
Black, White, and Olive Drab - Andrew H. Myers
Blacks in Eden - J. Lee Greene
Blood from Your Children - Benedict Carton
Blood from the Sky - Adam Jortner
Bloody Promenade - Stephen Cushman
Blue Laws and Black Codes - Peter Wallenstein
Blueprint for Going Green - Gerald P. McCarthy
Bodies and Bones - Tanya L. Shields
Body and Soul - Robert S. Cox
Boomalli Prints and Paper - Edited by Douglas Fordham and Ash Duhrkoop
Border Fictions - Claudia Sadowski-Smith
Boredom and the Architectural Imagination - Andreea Mihalache
Boredom and the Religious Imagination - Michael L. Raposa
Boston Furniture, 1700-1900 - Edited by Brock Jobe and Gerald W. R. Ward
Botanical Entanglements - Anna K. Sagal
Bound Away - David H. Fischer and James C. Kelly
Bound for Work - Zachary Kagan Guthrie
Bowery Tales, Maggie, and George's Mother - Stephen Crane. Introduction by James B. Colvert
Break and Flow - Charlie D. Hankin
Bridges to Memory - Maria Rice Bellamy
Bringing Race Back In - Christopher T. Stout
Broken Government - Edited by William J. Antholis and Larry J. Sabato
Brothers Born of One Mother - Michelle LeMaster
Brushing Back Jim Crow - Bruce Adelson
Buddha in the Marketplace - Alex John Catanese
Building After Katrina - Betsy Roettger, ed.
Building Charleston - Emma Hart
Building Natures - Julia Daniel
Building the Bay Colony - James E. McWilliams
Building the Book from the Ancient World to the Present Day - Barbara Heritage. Ruth-Ellen St. Onge
Buildings of Arkansas - Cyrus A. Sutherland. With Gregory Herman, Claudia Shannon, Jean Sizemore, and Jeannie M. Whayne
Buildings of Delaware - W. Barksdale Maynard
Buildings of Hawaii - Don J. Hibbard
Buildings of Maryland - Lisa Pfueller Davidson and Catherine C. Lavoie
Buildings of Massachusetts - Keith Morgan, Richard M. Candee, Naomi Miller, and Roger G. Reed
Buildings of Michigan - Kathryn Bishop Eckert
Buildings of Mississippi - Jennifer V. O. Baughn and Michael W. Fazio. With Mary Warren Miller
Buildings of Missouri - Osmund Overby, Carol Grove, and Cole Woodcox
Buildings of New Orleans - Karen Kingsley and Lake Douglas
Buildings of North Dakota - Steve C. Martens and Ronald H. L. M. Ramsay
Buildings of Pennsylvania - George E. Thomas. with Patricia Ricci, J. Bruce Thomas, Robert Janosov, Larry Newman, and Richard J. Webster
Buildings of Pennsylvania - Lu Donnelly, H. David Brumble IV, and Franklin Toker
Buildings of Pittsburgh - Franklin Toker
Buildings of Savannah - Robin B. Williams. With David Gobel, Patrick Haughey, Daves Rossell, and Karl Schuler
Buildings of Texas - Gerald Moorhead. with James W. Steely, W. Dwayne Jones, Anna Mod, John C. Ferguson, Cheryl Caldwell Ferguson, Mario L. Sánchez, and Stephen Fox
Buildings of Texas - Gerald Moorhead. With James W. Steely, Willis C. Winters, Mark Gunderson, Jay C. Henry, and Joel Warren Barna
Buildings of Vermont - Glenn M. Andres and Curtis B. Johnson
Buildings of Virginia - Anne Carter Lee. With Contributors
Buildings of Wisconsin - Marsha Weisiger and contributors
Buried from the World - Edited by Philip F. Gura
Business of May Next - William Lee Miller
By Broad Potomac's Shore - Edited by Kim Roberts
By the Work of Their Hands - John M. Vlach
Byrd's Line - Stephen Conrad Ausband
Cajun Document - Douglas Baz and Charles H. Traub
Call Me Larry - Larry Bagneris, with Ryan Gomez
Cannibal Modernities - Luís Madureira
Capital Offenses - Simon Joyce
Capital and Convict - Henry Kamerling
Captured by Texts - Gary L. Ebersole
Capturing Beauty - David Park Curry
Caribbean Discourse - Edouard Glissant. Translated and with an introduction by J Michael Dash
Caribbean Jewish Crossings - Edited by Sarah Phillips Casteel and Heidi Kaufman
Caribbean Literature and the Environment - Elizabeth DeLoughrey, Renée K. Gosson, and George B. Handley, eds.
Caribbean Literature and the Public Sphere - Raphael Dalleo
Caribbean Perspectives on Modernity - Maria Cristina Fumagalli
Caribbean Romances - Belinda Edmondson, ed.
Caribbean Shadows and Victorian Ghosts - Kathleen J. Renk
Carolina Cottage - Margaret Ruth Little
Carolyn G. Heilbrun - Susan Kress
Cartooning the Landscape - Chip Sullivan
Catalogue of the Collection of American Art at Randolph-Macon Woman's College - Mary Frances Williams
Catching Sight - Mitchell Merling. With Malcolm Cormack and Corey Piper
Cautio Criminalis, or a Book on Witch Trials - Friedrich Spee. Translated by Marcus Hellyer. Introduction by Marcus Hellyer
Ceramic Uncles and Celluloid Mammies - Patricia A. Turner
Challenge of the Big Trees - William C. Tweed and Lary M. Dilsaver
Changed Men - Erin Lee Mock
Changing Views - Edited by Lindsey Hepler
Character and Conversion in Autobiography - Patrick Riley
Character and Mourning - Erin Penner
Characters of Blood - Celeste-Marie Bernier
Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (Lewis Carroll) - Compiled by Charlie Lovett
Charlottesville 2017 - Louis P. Nelson and Claudrena N. Harold
Charting Louisiana - Edited by Alfred E. Lemmon, John T. Magill, and Jason R. Wiese
Chasing Shadows - Ken Hughes
Chick Lit and Postfeminism - Stephanie Harzewski
Chiefs, Priests, and Praise-Singers - Wyatt MacGaffey
Children of the Raven and the Whale - Caroline Chamberlin Hellman
Christian Fundamentalism and the Culture of Disenchantment - Paul Maltby
Christina Rossetti - Constance W. Hassett
Chronology of Virginia and the War of Independence, 1763-1783 - John E. Selby
Cities of Affluence and Anger - Peter J. Kalliney
Citizens of Convenience - Lawrence Hatter
Citizens of a Common Intellectual Homeland - Armin Mattes
City Trees - Henry W. Lawrence
City of Trees - Melanie Choukas Bradley and Polly Alexander. Text by Melanie Choukas-Bradley Illustrations by Polly Alexander
Civil War Petersburg - A. Wilson Greene
Civil War Sites in Virginia - James I. Robertson, Jr., and Brian Steel Wills
Civil War Talks - George S. Bernard. Edited by Hampton Newsome, John Horn, and John G. Selby
Civil War Virginia - James I. Robertson, Jr.
Civilization and Black Progress - J. R. Oldfield, ed.
Cleanth Brooks and the Rise of Modern Criticism - Mark Royden Winchell
Cli-Fi and Class - Edited by Debra J. Rosenthal and Jason de Lara Molesky
Climate Change and Original Sin - Katherine Cox
Climb to the Sky - Suzanne Dracius. Translated by Jamie Davis. Afterword by Edwin C. Hill Jr.
Clinical Stories and Their Translations - Howard F. Stein and Maurice Apprey
Clio's Consort - Louis L. Tucker
Close Kin and Distant Relatives - Susana M. Morris
Coasting Schooner - Robert H. Burgess
Collateral Damage - Edited by Bárbara Mujica
Collegiate Republic - Margaret Sumner
Colonial South Africa and the Origins of the Racial Order - Timothy Keegan
Colonial Subjects - Philip S. Zachernuk
Colonial Williamsburg: The Story - Edward G. Lengel
Colonial Wounds/Postcolonial Repair - Amina Menia, Maureen Shanahan, and Beth Hinderliter
Colonizing the Past - Edward Watts
Colossal Ambitions - Adrian Brettle
Comforting Myths - Rabih Alameddine
Coming to Terms with Democracy - Marshall Foletta
Commemoration in America - Edited by David Gobel and Daves Rossell
Common Wealth - Sarah Kennedy and R. T. Smith, eds.
Commoners, Tribute, and Chiefs - Stephen R. Potter
Communication - Edited by Nicole Hemmer
Community-Based Collaboration - edited by E. Franklin Dukes, Karen E. Firehock, and Juliana E. Birkhoff
Composing Cultures - Eric Aronoff
Comrade Sister - Laurie R. Lambert
Conceived in Crisis - Christopher R. Pearl
Confederate Visions - Ian Binnington
Confessing the Flesh - Lesley Higgins
Confounding Father - Robert M. S. McDonald
Conserving the Commonwealth - Margaret T. Peters. Edited by Patricia C. Hass. Afterword by FitzGerald Bemiss
Constitutional Powers and Politics - Eileen Braman
Consuming Visions - Maite Conde
Contemporary Francophone African Writers and the Burden of Commitment - Odile Cazenave and Patricia Célérier
Contesting Slavery - Edited by John Craig Hammond and Matthew Mason
Contingent Loves - Melanie C. Hawthorne, ed.
Contract and Consent - J. R. Pole
Conversion and Text - Karl F. Morrison
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander - Susan Herrington. Foreword by Marc Treib
Cosmopolitan Criticism - Julia Prewitt Brown
Cosmopolitan Patriots - Philipp Ziesche
Cotton's Queer Relations - Michael P. Bibler
Counting on the Latino Vote - Louis DeSipio
Country Pursuits - Malcolm Cormack
Courts, Politics, and Culture in Israel - Martin Edelman
Cradock - Jeffrey Butler. Edited by Richard Elphick and Jeannette Hopkins
Creating Constitutional Change - Gregg Ivers and Kevin T. McGuire, eds.
Creating the British Atlantic - Jack P. Greene
Creationism on Trial - Langdon Gilkey
Creative Regionalism - David DuMez Hopman. Foreword by Frederick R. Steiner
Creole Drama - Juliane Braun
Creole Recitations - Faith Smith
Creole World - Richard Sexton
Crescent City Silver - The Historic New Orleans Collection
Crime and Culture in Early Modern Germany - Joy Wiltenburg
Criminal Cities - Molly Slavin
Criminal Injustice - Glenn McNair
Crossing Boundaries - Julie Thompson Klein
Crossing the Boundaries of Belief - Duane J. Corpis
Crossing the Line - Candace Ward
Crossing the River Styx - Russ Ford. Charles Peppers. Todd C. Peppers
Crucible - Edited by Michael Nelson, Jeffrey L. Chidester, and Stefanie Georgakis Abbott
Crucible of the Civil War - Edward L. Ayers, Gary W. Gallagher, and Andrew J. Torget, eds.
Crusoe’s Footprint - Patrick Chamoiseau. Translated by Jeffrey Landon Allen and Charly Verstraet
Cuba and the Fall - Eduardo González
Cultivation and Culture - Ira Berlin and Philip D. Morgan, eds.
Cultural Entanglements - Shane Graham
Cultural Haunting - Kathleen Brogan
Culture and Irony - Anthony Winner
Culture and Liberty in the Age of the American Revolution - Michal Jan Rozbicki
Cumberland Island National Seashore - Lary M. Dilsaver
Cutting the Vines of the Past - Tamara Giles-Vernick
Cyclical City - Jill Desimini
Dancing in the Streets - Judy Cooper
Dancing with Disaster - Kate Rigby
Dandyism - Len Gutkin
Danger Sound Klaxon! - Matthew F. Jordan
Dare to Dream - Lou Campanelli. With Dave Newhouse
Darkroom - Tosha Grantham
Darwin's Fox and My Coyote - Holly Menino
David Finley - David A. Doheny
Daybooks of Discovery - Mary Ellen Bellanca
Daydreams and Nightmares - Brent Tarter
DeTocqueville and the French - Francoise Melonio. Translated by Beth G. Raps
Declarations of Independence - Christopher R. Pearl
Deep Talk - Debra Walker King
Democracy's Muse - Andrew Burstein
Democratizing the Old Dominion - William G. Shade
Demon or Doll - Ellen Pifer
Depression and New Deal in Virginia - Ronald L. Heinemann
Design Before Disaster - Miho Mazereeuw
Design through Time - Mark H. Hough
Design with Culture - Charles A. Birnbaum and Mary V. Hughes, eds.
Designing Dixie - Reiko Hillyer
Desire and the Ascetic Ideal - Edward Upton
Detached America - James A. Jacobs
Dialect Diversity in America - William Labov
Different Shades of Green - Byron Caminero-Santangelo
Difficult Reading - Jason R. Marley
Digging through Darkness - Carmel Schrire
Digitizing Faulkner - Edited by Theresa M. Towner
Dignity - Jean-Bertrand Aristide. Translated by Carrol F. Coates. Afterword by Carrol F. Coates. Introduction by Christophe Wargny
Diplomats at War - Charles Trueheart
Disaster Writing - Mark D. Anderson
Disciplining Old Age - Stephen Katz
Dishonored Americans - Timothy Compeau
Distant Revolutions - Timothy Mason Roberts
Disturbers of the Peace - Kelly Baker Josephs
Diversity Matters - Susan B. Haire and Laura P. Moyer
Diversity in Democracy - Gary M. Segura and Shaun Bowler, eds.
Divided by the Word - Jochen S. Arndt
Dividing The Commons - Pauline E. Peters
Do Not Separate Her from Her Garden - Carlyn Ena Ferrari
Do You Hear in the Mountains... and Other Stories - Maïssa Bey. Translated by Erin Lamm. Afterword by Alison Rice
Does Privilege Prevail? - Stacia L. Haynie, Kirk A. Randazzo, and Reginald S. Sheehan
Dog Days - Patrice Nganang. Translated by Amy Reid
Doing Justice to Mercy - Jonathan Rothchild, Matthew Myer Boulton, and Kevin Jung, eds.
Domestic Captivity and the British Subject, 1660–1750 - Catherine Ingrassia
Domesticating the Empire - Julia Clancy-Smith and Frances Gouda, eds.
Drawing Liberalism - Simon Appleford
Drawing the Line - Doreen Fowler
Drawn to Landscape - Edited by Janet Mendelsohn and Christopher Wilson
Drawn to Life - Mark Cave and David Leopold
Dream House - Adele Tutter
Driven to the Field - David A. Davis
Drone Art - John Vigour
Drone Enlightenment - Peter DeGabriele
Dueling Cultures, Damnable Legacies - James Hill Welborn III
Dunmore's New World - James Corbett David
Désirée Congo - Évelyne Trouillot, translated by M. A. Salvodon, with an afterword by Annette K. Joseph-Gabriel
Dézafi - Frankétienne. Translated by Asselin Charles. Afterword by Jean Jonassaint
Early Modern Virginia - Edited by Douglas Bradburn and John C. Coombs
Earnestly Contending - Dickson D. Bruce, Jr.
Earth Repair - Marcus Hall
Earth Works - Nancy Ross Hugo
East 40 Degrees - Jack Williams
East-West Exchange and Late Modernism - Zhaoming Qian
Eastern Shore Indians of Virginia and Maryland - Helen C. Rountree. with Thomas E. Davidson
Easy On, Easy Off - Jack Williams
Eco-Man - Mark Allister, ed.
Ecocritical Theory - Edited by Axel Goodbody and Kate Rigby
Economy Hall - Fatima Shaik
Eden's Endemics - Elizabeth Callaway
Edgar Allan Poe - Richard Kopley
Edouard Glissant and Postcolonial Theory - Celia Britton
Educated in Tyranny - Edited by Maurie D. McInnis and Louis P. Nelson
Edwidge Danticat - Nadège T. Clitandre
Edwidge Danticat - Edited by Martin Munro. Foreword by Dany Laferrière
Elizabeth Bishop - Marilyn May Lombardi
Elizabeth Bishop in the Twenty-First Century - Edited by Angus Cleghorn, Bethany Hicok, and Thomas Travisano
Elizabeth Bishop's Brazil - Bethany Hicok
Elizabeth Fox-Genovese - Deborah A. Symonds
Elusive Equality - Jeffrey L. Littlejohn and Charles H. Ford
Elusive Origins - Paul B. Miller
Emily Davies - Emily Davies. Edited by Ann B. Murphy and Deirdre Raftery
Empire of Commerce - Susan Gaunt Stearns
Empire of Diamonds - Adrienne Munich
Empires in the Forest - Avery Chenoweth and Robert Llewellyn
Empires of the Imagination - Peter J. Kastor and Francois Weil, eds.
Empiricist Devotions - Courtney Weiss Smith
Encountering the Secular - J. Heath Atchley
Encounters - Ewa Domanska. Introduction by Allan Megill, Afterword by Lynn Hunt
Encyclopaedia of New Orleans Artists, 1718-1918 - Florence M. Jumonville
Ending the French Revolution - Howard G. Brown
English Silver - Joseph Bliss
Enigmatic Stream - Richard Sexton
Enjoying Virginia Outdoors - Bob Gooch
Enlightenment Underground - Martin Mulsow. Translated by H. C. Erik Midelfort
Enrique Alférez - Katie Bowler Young
Enterprising Southerners - Robert C. Kenzer
Entrepreneurs - Conrad E. Wright and Katheryn P. Viens
Environmental Design - Avigail Sachs
Epistolary Histories - Amanda Gilroy and W. M. Verhoeven, eds.
Equity and Excellence in American Higher Education - William G. Bowen, Martin A. Kurzweil, and Eugene M. Tobin. in collaboration with Susanne C. Pichler
Era of Experimentation - Daniel Peart
Eric Clapton's Lover and other Stories from the Virginia Quarterly Review - Sheila McMillen and George P. Garrett, eds.
Eric Williams and the Anticolonial Tradition - Maurice St. Pierre
Ernie K-Doe - Ben Sandmel
Erotic Citizens - Elizabeth Dill
Ersatz America - Rebecca Mark
Escapade - Evelyn Scott. Afterword by Dorothy M. Scura
Escaping God's Closet - Bernard Duncan Mayes
Essays and Reviews - Victor Shea and William Whitla, eds.
Essays from the Edge - Martin Jay
Essays in Early American Architectural History - Carl R. Lounsbury
Establishing Religious Freedom - Thomas E. Buckley
Ethnic American Literature - Dean J. Franco
European Friends of the American Revolution - Edited by Andrew J. O’Shaughnessy, John A. Ragosta, and Marie-Jeanne Rossignol
Evangelical Gothic - Christopher Herbert
Evergreen Ash - Christopher Abram
Exemplary England - Sarabeth Grant
Exhibiting Religion - John P. Burris
Exhibiting Slavery - Vivian Nun Halloran
Exile in Richmond - Michael Bedout Chesson and Leslie Jean Roberts, eds.
Exile: According to Julia - by Gisèle Pineau. Translated by Betty Wilson with an Afterword by Marie-Agnès Sourieau
Exodus Politics - Robert J. Patterson
Experiencing Empire - Patrick Griffin
Experiencing Mount Vernon - Jean B. Lee, ed.
Experiencing William James - James Campbell
Exquisite History - The Printmakers Left
Face Value - Cary Carson
Faces of Community - Conrad E. Wright and Reed Ueda
Facing Freedom - Daniel B. Thorp
Failed Frontiersmen - James J. Donahue
Faith and Race in American Political Life - Edited by Robin Dale Jacobson and Nancy D. Wadsworth
Faith, Race, and the Lost Cause - Christopher Alan Graham. Foreword by the Reverend Melanie Mullen
Fake It - Mark Osteen
Falling Short - Aleksandar Stevic
Family Matters - Marisel C. Moreno
Family Preserve - Dabney Stuart
Famous Last Words - Alison Booth, ed. Afterword by U. C. Knoepflmacher
Far from My Father - Véronique Tadjo. Translated by Amy Baram Reid. Afterword by Amy Baram Reid
Farther Afield in the Study of Nature-Oriented Literature - Patrick D. Murphy
Fashion and Fiction - Lauren S. Cardon
Fashioning Character - Lauren S. Cardon
Fashioning the New England Family - Kimberly S. Alexander
Fatal Glory - Tom Chaffin
Fatal Politics - Ken Hughes
Fatalism in American Film Noir - Robert B. Pippin
Fathoming the Cosmos and Ordering the World - Richard J. Smith
Faulkner - Doreen Fowler
Faulkner in the University, Introduction by Douglas Day - Frederick L. Gwynn and Joseph L. Blotner, eds
Faulkner's Hollywood Novels - Ben Robbins
Featherless Chickens, Laughing Women, and Serious Stories - Jeannie B Thomas
Federalists Reconsidered - Edited by Doron S. Ben-Atar and Barbara B. Oberg
Feeling for the Poor - Carolyn Betensky
Fellow Travelers - John Ochoa
Female Genius - Mary Sarah Bilder
Fettered Genius - Keith D. Leonard
Fictions of Whiteness - Maeve McCusker
Fighting Political Gridlock - David J. Toscano. Foreword by Senator Mark R. Warner
Finding Justice - Edited by Lynne A. Battaglia
First People - Keith Egloff and Deborah Woodward
First and Always - Peter R. Henriques
First in the Homes of His Countrymen - Lydia Mattice Brandt
Fish Town - J. T. Blatty
Fishing Virginia's Highlands - M. W. Smith
Fishing the Greenbrier Valley - M. W. Smith
Fishing the New River Valley - M. W. Smith
Fishing the Roanoke Valley - M. W. Smith
Fishing the Shenandoah Valley - M. W. Smith
Fixing College Education - Charles Muscatine
Flights of Imagination - Sonja Dümpelmann
Florence - Andrea Ponsi
Flowerdew Hundred - James Deetz
For the People, For the Country - John A. Ragosta
Foreign Trends in American Gardens - Raffaella Fabiani Giannetto
Forest and Garden - Melanie Simo
Forgotten Time - John C. Willis
Form and Fable in American Fiction - Daniel Hoffman
Forms of Relation - Matthew Goldmark
Founding Friendship - Stuart Leibiger
Four Fools in the Age of Reason - Dorinda Outram
Framing the World - Edited by Paula Willoquet-Maricondi
Frances Power Cobbe - Sally Mitchell
Francis Blake - Elton W. Hall
Frank Batten - Connie Sage
Frank Lloyd Wright - Edited by Richard Longstreth
Frank Lloyd Wright's Pope-Leighey House - Steven M. Reiss
Frederick Douglass - Frederick Douglass. Edited by L. Diane Barnes
Freedom Has a Face - Kirt von Daacke
Freedom Summer - Sally Belfrage
Freedom's Promise - Elizabeth Regosin
French Baroque Music of New Orleans - Edited by Alfred E. Lemmon
French and West Indian - Richard D. E. Burton and Fred Reno, eds. Foreword by A. James Arnold
Freud and Augustine in Dialogue - William B. Parsons
Friends for Life, Friends for Death - James A. Pritchett
From Calabar to Carter's Grove - Lorena S. Walsh
From Dakota to Dixie - George W. Buswell, edited by Jonathan W. White and Reagan Connelly. Foreword by Gary W. Gallagher
From Independence to the U.S. Constitution - Edited by Douglas Bradburn and Christopher R. Pearl
From Jamestown to Jefferson - Edited by Paul Rasor and Richard E. Bond
From Morning to Night - Elizabeth O'Leary
From Oratory to Scholarship - Denis B. Woodfield, John W. Gareis, and John Saunders, eds.
From Theology to Theological Thinking - Jean-Yves Lacoste. Translated by W. Chris Hackett. Introduction by Jeffrey Bloechl
From Yeoman to Redneck in the South Carolina Upcountry, 1850-1915 - Stephen A. West
From the Temple to the Castle - Lee Morrissey
Fulfilling the Promise - John T. Kneebone and Eugene P. Trani
Fully Alive - Stanley Hauerwas
Furious Flower - Joanne V. Gabbin, ed.
Furnace And Fugue -
Furnishing Louisiana - Jack D. Holden, H. Parrot Bacot, and Cybèle Gontar
Gabriel's Conspiracy - Edited by Philip J. Schwarz
Garbage In, Garbage Out - Vivian E. Thomson
Garden Legacy - Mary Louise Mossy Cristovich
Genealogies of Environmentalism - Clarence Glacken. Edited by S. Ravi Rajan. With Adam Romero and Michael Watts
General Sun, My Brother - Jacques Stephen Alexis. Translated and with an introduction by Carrol F. Coates
Genre Theory and Historical Change - John Rowlett
George L. Viavant - George E. Jordan
George Washington - Alan Fusonie. Foreword by Nancy Kassebaum Baker
George Washington - Dave R. Palmer. Foreword by General Colin L. Powell
George Washington - William S. Rasmussen and Robert S. Tilton
George Washington Reconsidered - Don Higginbotham, ed.
George Washington and Native Americans - Richard Harless
George Washington's Barbados Diary, 1751-52 - George Washington. Edited by Alicia K. Anderson and Lynn A. Price
George Washington's Diaries - George Washington. Edited by Dorothy Twohig
George Washington's Hair - Keith Beutler
George Washington, Nationalist - Edward J. Larson
George and Martha Washington - Ellen G. Miles. Preface by Edmund S. Morgan
Gerrymanders - Brent Tarter
Gettysburg Contested - Brian Black. With a battle narrative by Richard B. Megraw
Ghosts and Their Hosts - Sladja Blažan
Giant's Causeway - Tom Chaffin
Gilbert White - Richard Mabey
God on the Grounds - Harry Y. Gamble
Gods of Noonday - Elaine Neil Orr
Going by Contraries - Robert Bernard Hass
Gold and Freedom - Nicolas Barreyre. Translated by Arthur Goldhammer
Goodness and the Literary Imagination - Toni Morrison. Edited by David Carrasco, Stephanie Paulsell, and Mara Willard
Governing the Commonwealth - Amy Smith
Great Road Style - Betsy White
Greening the City - Edited by Dorothee Brantz and Sonja Duempelmann
Grief and Meter - Sally Connolly
Guarding Cultural Memory - Flora González Mandri
Guide to the Geology and Natural History of the Blue Ridge Mountains - Edgar W. Spencer
Guidebooks to Sin - Pamela D. Arceneaux
Guilty Pleasures - Hugh McIntosh
Gun Culture in Early Modern England - Lois G. Schwoerer
Haitian Revolutionary Fictions - Edited and with translations by Marlene L. Daut, Grégory Pierrot, and Marion C. Rohrleitner
Handcuffs and Chain Link - Benjamin Gonzalez O'Brien
Harlem Gallery and Other Poems of Melvin B Tolson - Melvin B. Tolson, Jr. Edited by Raymond Nelson. Introduction by Rita Dove
Harry Byrd of Virginia - Ronald L. Heinemann
Haunted Bodies - Anne Goodwyn Jones and Susan V. Donaldson, eds.
Haunting Ecologies - Ursula Kluwick
Healthy Environments, Healing Spaces - Edited by Timothy Beatley, Carla Jones, and Reuben Rainey
Henry Adams and the Need to Know - William Merrill Decker and Earl N. Harbert, eds.
Henry Adams in Washington - Ormond Seavey
Henry Hulton and the American Revolution - Neil Longley York
Here to Stay - Gail Burrell Gerry
Hidden History - Lynn Rainville
Hidden Lives - Barbara J. Heath
High Courts in Global Perspective - Edited by Nuno Garoupa, Rebecca D. Gill, and Lydia B. Tiede
Higher Calling - Scott C. Beardsley
Hiking the AT in the Virginias - Dave Pruett. Foreword by Mills Kelly
His Soul Goes Marching On - Paul Finkelman, ed.
His and Hers - Roger Horowitz and Arwen Mohun, eds.
Historian - Hermann Giliomee
Historian in Chief - Edited by Seth Cotlar and Richard J. Ellis
Historic Preservation - James Marston Fitch
Historic Sites in Virginia’s Northern Neck and Essex County, A Guide - Thomas A. Wolf. Edward J. White
Historic Virginia Gardens - Margaret Page Bemiss. Photography by Roger Foley
Histories of Science - Edited by David Alff and Danielle Spratt
Homeplace - Michael Ann Williams
Hometown Religion - David M. Luebke
Hope without Optimism - Terry Eagleton
Hot Potato - Bob Kuska
How Borges Wrote - Daniel Balderston
How College Presidents Succeed - Michael Nelson. Foreword by Robert M. Gates, afterword by James A. Baker III
How Societies Are Born - Jan Vansina
Humboldt and Jefferson - Sandra Rebok
Humus - Fabienne Kanor. Translated by Lynn E. Palermo
Huntland - Marc Leepson
I Am Alive - Kettly Mars. Translated by Nathan H. Dize
I Die by This Country - Fawzia Zouari. Translated by Skyler Artes
I'm No Angel - Ellen Tremper
I, Tituba, Black Witch of Salem - Maryse Condé
Ideas to Live For - Giles Gunn
Idle Talk, Deadly Talk - Ana Rodríguez Navas
Idol of Suburbia - Annette R. Federico
If the King Only Knew - Lisa Jane Graham
Imagining Eden - Lyle Gomes
Imagining Miami - Sheila L. Croucher
Imagining Mount Athos - Veronica della Dora. Foreword by David Lowenthal
Imagining a Nation - Ruramisai Charumbira
Imitation Nation - Jason Richards
Immigrant Struggles, Immigrant Gifts - Edited by Diane Portnoy, Barry Portnoy, and Charlie Riggs
Immigration - Edited by Sidney Milkis and David Leblang
Imperatives, Behaviors, and Identities - Jack P. Greene
Imperial Educación - Thomas Genova
In Chambers - Edited by Todd C. Peppers and Artemus Ward
In Death Lamented - Sarah Nehama. Foreword by Anne E. Bentley
In Debt To Shay's - Robert A. Gross
In Good Keeping - Jon Lohman. Photographs by Morgan Miller
In Pursuit of Wild Edibles - Jeffrey Greene
In Search of Annie Drew - Daryl Cumber Dance
In Search of Julien Hudson - Edited by Erin M. Greenwald
In Search of Justice in Thailand’s Deep South - Edited by John Clifford Holt. Compiled by Soraya Jamjuree and translated by Hara Shintaro
In and Out of the West - Maurice Godelier. Translated by Nora Scott
In the Arena - Chuck Robb. Foreword by Bill Clinton
In the Flicker of an Eyelid - Jacques Stephen Alexis. Translated and with an afterword by Carrol F. Coates and Edwidge Danticat, with the 1983 preface by Florence Alexis
In the Hollow of the Wave - Bonnie Kime Scott
In the Red and in the Black - Erika Vause
In the Spirit - The Historic New Orleans Collection
In the True Blue's Wake - Daniel B. Thorp
Independence without Freedom - R. K. Ramazani
Indian Captivity in Spanish America - Fernando Operé. Translated by Gustavo Pellón
Indians in Seventeenth-Century Virginia - Ben C. McCary
Indoor America - Andrea Vesentini
Industrious in Their Stations - Sharon B. Sundue
Inhabiting the Sacred in Everyday Life - Randolph T. Hester, Jr., and Amber D. Nelson
Inkface - Miles P. Grier
Institutional Character - Robert Higney
Institutional Games and the U.S. Supreme Court - Edited by James R. Rogers, Roy B. Flemming, and Jon R. Bond
Intelligent Infrastructure - T. F. Tierney, ed.
Inter-tech(s) - Roxanna Nydia Curto
Interest and Connection in the Eighteenth Century - Jacob Sider Jost
Interracialism and Christian Community in the Postwar South - Tracy Elaine K'meyer
Intimate Reconstructions - Catherine A. Jones
Inventing American Modernism - Jill Pearlman
Invited Guest - David Rigsbee and Steven Ford Brown, eds.
Ireland and America - Edited by Patrick Griffin and Francis D. Cogliano
Irons in the Fire - Laura Croghan Kamoie
Irrititja Kuwarri Tjungu (Past and Present Together) - Edited by Fred Myers and Henry Skerritt
Is Killing Wrong? - Mark Cooney
Is Reality beyond Good and Evil? - Yaroslav Komarovski
It Shall Be of Jasper and Coral and Love-across-a-Hundred-Lives - Werewere Liking. Translated by Marjolijn de Jager
Italy and the Environmental Humanities - Edited by Serenella Iovino, Enrico Cesaretti, and Elena Past
James MacNeill Whistler - David Park Curry
James Madison - Ralph Ketcham
James Madison's "Advice to My Country" - Edited by David B. Mattern
James Monroe - Harry Ammon
Jamestown, the Truth Revealed - William M. Kelso
Jazz Scrapbook - The Historic New Orleans Collection
Jefferson Himself - Bernard Mayo, ed.
Jefferson and the Ordeal of Liberty - Dumas Malone
Jefferson and the Rights of Man - Dumas Malone
Jefferson at Monticello - James A. Bear, Jr.
Jefferson on Display - G. S. Wilson
Jefferson the President - Dumas Malone
Jefferson the President - Dumas Malone
Jefferson the Virginian - Dumas Malone. With a new introduction by Merrill D. Peterson
Jefferson vs. the Patent Trolls - Jeffrey H. Matsuura
Jefferson's Body - Maurizio Valsania
Jefferson's Empire - Peter S. Onuf
Jefferson's Fine Arts Library - William B. O'Neal
Jefferson, Lincoln, and Wilson - Edited by John Milton Cooper, Jr., and Thomas J. Knock
Jeffersonian Legacies - Edited by Peter S. Onuf
Jeffersonians in Power - Edited by Joanne B. Freeman and Johann N. Neem
John Brown - Merrill D. Peterson
John Clemmer - Judith H. Bonner, John Ed Bradley and David Clemmer, eds.
John Henry Ingram's Poe Collection at the University of Virginia - John E. Reilly, ed.
John Ruskin and the Ethics of Consumption - David M. Craig
John Smith's Chesapeake Voyages, 1607-1609 - Helen C. Rountree, Wayne E. Clark, and Kent Mountford
Jordan's Point, Virginia - Martha W. McCartney
Joseph Addison - Dan Poston
Josephine Crawford - Louise C. Hoffman
Journal and Letters of Philip Vickers Fithian, 1773-1774 - Philip Vickers Fithian. Edited with an Introduction by Hunter Dickinson Farish
Journal of Emily Shore - Barbara Timm Gates, ed.
Journal of a Residence in Chile during the Year 1822, and a Voyage from Chile to Brazil - Edited by Jennifer Poole Hayward.
Journey on the James - Earl Swift
Journeys of the Slave Narrative in the Early Americas - Edited by Nicole N. Aljoe and Ian Finseth
Juanita - Mary Peabody Mann. Edited and with an Introduction by Patricia M. Ard
Judging on a Collegial Court - Virginia A. Hettinger, Stefanie A. Lindquist, and Wendy L. Martinek
Judicial Independence in the Age of Democracy - Peter H. Russell and David M. O'Brien, eds.
Juries and Judges versus the Law - F. Thornton Miller
Just Below South - Jessica Adams, Michael P. Bibler, and Cécile Accilien, eds.
Justice Curtis in the Civil War Era - Stuart Streichler
Justice for Ourselves - John G. Deal, Marianne E. Julienne, and Brent Tarter. Foreword by Congresswoman Jennifer McClellan
Katherine Anne Porter - Janis P. Stout
Keep On Keeping On - Brian J. Daugherity
Keep Your Head to the Sky - Grey Gundaker, ed.
Keeping Score - David Schwarz, Anahid Kassabian, et al., eds.
Kierkegaard - Roger Poole
Kindred Spirits - Christopher N. Okonkwo
Kingsmill Plantation, 1619-1800 - William M. Kelso
Knowledges - Edited by Ellen Messer-Davidow, David R. Shumway, and David J. Sylvan
Kodak and the Lens of Nostalgia - Nancy Martha West
Laboring Mothers - Ellen Malenas Ledoux
Ladies and Gentlemen on Display - Charlene M. Boyer Lewis
Lake Fishing in Virginia - Bob Gooch
Lame Captains and Left-Handed Admirals - Teresa Michals
Land and Blood - Mouloud Feraoun. Translated by Patricia Geesey. afterword by Patricia Geesey
Landon Carter - Jack P. Greene
Landscape Fieldwork - Gareth Doherty
Landscape and Images - John R. Stilgoe
Latino Politics - Rodolfo Espino, David L. Leal, and Kenneth J. Meier, eds.
Launching the "Extended Republic" - Ronald Hoffman and Peter J. Albert, eds.
Law, Politics, and Perception - Eileen Braman
Lawrence among the Women - Carol Siegel
Leading the Race - Jacqueline M. Moore
Lee's Young Artillerist - Peter S. Carmichael
Legacies of the 1964 Civil Rights Act - Bernard Grofman, ed.
Legacy - Peggy Earle
Leonard and Virginia Woolf as Publishers - John H. Willis
Leonora - Dany Bebel-gisler. Translated by Andrea Leskes Afterword by Vera M Kutzinski and Cynthia Mesh
Lessons in Integration - Erica Frankenberg and Gary Orfield, eds.
Let Me Lie - James Branch Cabell. Foreword by R. H. W. Dillard
Letters and Photographs from the Battle Country - Margaret Hall. Edited by Margaret R. Higonnet
Letters from Filadelfia - Rodrigo Lazo
Lewis Carroll - Edward Guiliano
Lewis Carroll - Charlie Lovett
Liberal Epic - Edward Adams
Liberty Without Anarchy - Minor Myers, Jr.
Lifeboat - John R. Stilgoe
Lifting Every Voice - William B. Robertson. With Becky Hatcher Crabtree. Foreword by Linwood Holton
Light and Liberty - edited by Robert M. S. McDonald
Lighting the Way - Douglas Rice
Limited Access - Kyoko Takanashi
Limited Choices - Emily K. Abel and Margaret K. Nelson. Foreword by Andrea Douglas
Limits of Anarchy - Sam C. Nolutshungu
Lincoln Perry's Charlottesville - Paintings by Lincoln Perry with an essay and interview by Ann Beattie
Lincoln's Dilemma - Paul D. Escott
Lincoln's Tragic Admiral - Kevin J. Weddle
Lines on the Land - Scott Herring
Listening In - Merideth M. Taylor. Foreword by Jeffrey Hammond
Literature of Place - Melanie Simo
Living Diversity - Lloyd Wolf, Duy Tran, Paula Endo, Xang Mimi Ho, and Aleksandra Lagkueva
Living and Dying at Murray Manor - Jaber F. Gubrium
Living on Wilderness Time - Melissa Walker
Locating the Destitute - Stanka Radovic
Lone Sun - Daniel Maximin
Long Black Song - Houston A. Baker, Jr.
Longing to Awaken - Edited by Holly Gayley and Dominique Townsend
Longstreet's Aide - Thomas W. Cutrer
Looking Beyond the Icons - Richard Longstreth
Looking for Other Worlds - Régine Michelle Jean-Charles
Lost Communities of Virginia - Terri Fisher and Kirsten Sparenborg. Foreword by William Ferris
Lost Saints - Tricia A. Lootens
Lost Worlds - Arthur E. Imhof
Lots of Parking - John A. Jakle and Keith A. Sculle
Louis Kahn - Carter Wiseman
Louisa S. McCord - Richard C. Lounsbury, ed.
Louisa S. McCord - Richard C. Lounsbury, ed.
Louisa S. McCord - Richard C. Lounsbury, ed.
Louisiana Lens - John H. Lawrence. Foreword by Jeff L. Rosenheim
Love and Depth in the American Novel - Ashley C. Barnes
Love, Etc. - Edited by Rita Felski and Camilla Schwartz
Loyal Protestants and Dangerous Papists - Antoinette Sutto
Lucy Stone - Alice Stone Blackwell. Introduction by Randolph Hollinghurst
Lynching in Virginia - Edited by Gianluca De Fazio. Afterword by W. Fitzhugh Brundage
Lyric and Dramatic Poetry, 1946-82 - Aime Cesaire. Translated by Clayton Eshleman and Annette Smith, Introduction by A. James Arnold
Mad Princes of Renaissance Germany - H. C. Erik Midelfort
Mad Travelers - Ian Hacking
Mad for God - Sara Tilghman Nalle
Magna Carta - A. E. Dick Howard
Magnificent Decay - Tom Nurmi
Making #Charlottesville - Aniko Bodroghkozy
Making the Early Modern Metropolis - Daniel P. Johnson
Making the World Over - R. Marie Griffith
Male Armor - Jon Robert Adams
Manufacturing Culture - Joseph Bizup
Mapping Hispaniola - Megan Jeanette Myers
Mapping Virginia - William C. Wooldridge. Foreword by John T. Casteen III
Mapping the Ethical Turn - Todd F. Davis and Kenneth Womack, eds.
Marching Masters - Colin Edward Woodward
Margaret Garner - Edited by La Vinia Delois Jennings
Margins and Marginality - Evelyn B. Tribble
Mariana Griswold Van Rensselaer - Judith K. Major
Market Aesthetics - Elena Machado Sáez
Marketing Analytics - Rajkumar Venkatesan, Paul W. Farris, and Ronald T. Wilcox
Martha Washington - Ellen Mcallister Clark
Martin's Hundred - Ivor Noel Hume
Mary Austin's Regionalism - Heike Schaefer
Masked Raiders - Charles van Onselen
Massachusetts and the New Nation - Conrad E. Wright
Masterpieces: Food and Art in Virginia - Virginia Museum Of Fine Arts. with an introduction by Felicia Rogan
Masters of Tonewood - Jeffrey Greene
Material Witnesses - Camille Wells
Mathilde Blind - James Diedrick
Matisse, Picasso, and Modern Art in Paris - Virginia Museum Of Fine Arts
Matoaka, Pocahontas, Rebecca - Edited by Kathryn N. Gray and Amy M. E. Morris
Matthew Arnold and the Betrayal of Language - David G. Riede
Maxims and the Mind - Kelly Swartz
Meditation and the Martial Arts - Michael L. Raposa
Melodramatic Landscapes - Heath Schenker
Melville’s Other Lives - Christopher Sten
Memoirs on the Life and Travels of Thomas Hammond, 1748-1775 - Thomas Hammond. Edited by George E. Boulukos
Memory at Bay - Evelyne Trouillot. Translated by Paul Curtis Daw. Afterword by Jason Herbeck
Merely Judgment - Martin J. Sweet
Midcentury Quartet - Thomas J. Travisano
Migrant Modernism - J. Dillon Brown
Migrants against Slavery - Philip J. Schwarz
Miles to Go - Susan Garrett
Milieus of Minutiae - Edited by Elizabeth Brogden and Christiane Frey
Millipedes and Moon Tigers - Steve Nash
Mind over Matter - Sarah Eron
Mirrors of Memory - James W. White
Mobilizing Opportunities - Ricardo Ramírez
Models and World Making - Annabel Jane Wharton
Modern and Contemporary Art at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts - John B. Ravenal
Modernity and Subjectivity - Harvie Ferguson
Modified Rapture - Alan Fischler
Moments of Freedom - Johannes Fabian
Monacan Millennium - Jeffrey L. Hantman
Mongrel Nation - Clarence E. Walker
Monsters,Tricksters, and Sacred Cows - A. James Arnold. Afterword by Derek Walcott
Monticello in Mind - Edited by Lisa Russ Spaar
Monumental - Brian K. Mitchell, Barrington S. Edwards, and Nick Weldon
Monumental Jesus - Margaret M. Grubiak
More Things in Heaven and Earth - Paul S. Fiddes
Mountain Lake Symposium and Workshop - Edited by Howard Risatti and Ray Kass
Mourning El Dorado - Charlotte Rogers
Mourning Religion - Edited by William B. Parsons, Diane Jonte-Pace, and Susan E. Henking
Mourning the Presidents - Edited by Lindsay M. Chervinsky and Matthew R. Costello
Mr. Jefferson's Telescope - Brendan Wolfe
Mr. Jefferson's University - Virginius Dabney
Mr. and Mrs. Dog - Donald McCaig
Murder at Morija - Tim Couzens
Murder, Honor, and Law - Richard F. Hamm
Museum Trouble - Ruth Hoberman
Music and Urban Life in Baroque Germany - Tanya Kevorkian
My March to Liberation - Paul A. Strassmann
My Work among the Freedmen - Harriet M. Buss. Edited by Jonathan W. White and Lydia J. Davis
Myth and Metaphor - Northrop Frye. Edited by Robert D. Denham
Myth and Method - Laurie L. Patton and Wendy Doniger, eds.
Narrating the Mesh - Marco Caracciolo
Narrative and Its Nonevents - Carra Glatt
National Park Roads - Timothy Davis
Nationalizing France's Army - Christopher J. Tozzi
Nations, Markets, and War - Nicholas Onuf and Peter S. Onuf
Native Americans and the Early Republic - Frederick E. Hoxie, et al., eds.
Natural Virginia - Ben Greenberg
Nature Cure - Richard Mabey
Nature's Man - Maurizio Valsania
Navigating Neutrality - Sandra Moats
Necessary Virtue - Charles P. Hanson
Nedjma - Kateb Yacine
Negotiated Authorities - Jack P. Greene
Nelly Custis Lewis's Housekeeping Book - Edited by Patricia Brady Schmit
Neobaroque in the Americas - Monika Kaup
Neoliberal Nonfictions - Daniel Worden
Nervous Fictions - Jess Keiser
Never Ask Permission - Mary Buford Hitz. Preface by Anne Firor Scott
New Communitarian Thinking - Amitai Etzioni, ed.
New Orleans - Peirce F. Lewis. Foreword by Karen Kingsley
New Orleans - Peirce F. Lewis
New Orleans, the Founding Era - Edited by Erin M. Greenwald
New Views of New England - Edited by Martha J. McNamara and Georgia B. Barnhill
New Woman Ecologies - Alicia Carroll
New World Modernisms - Charles W. Pollard
New World Modernisms - Charles W. Pollard
Newest Born of Nations - Ann L. Tucker
Nietzsche and The Feminine - Peter J. Burgard, ed.
Nietzsche on Gender - Frances Nesbitt Oppel
Night Journeys - Carla Gerona
No Exit - Seth McKelvey
No Ordinary College - Brian Steel Wills
No Ordinary Moment - Aaron D. Purcell. LM Rozema. Anthony Wright de Hernandez. John M. Jackson
No Tomorrow - Catherine Cusset
Noble Cows and Hybrid Zebras - Harriet Ritvo
Norfolk - Thomas C. Parramore
Northrop Frye - Robert D. Denham
Nostalgia in Transition, 1780-1917 - Linda M. Austin
Not Only War - Victor Daly. edited by David A. Davis
Notes of a Son and Brother and The Middle Years - Henry James and Peter Collister
Novel Cultivations - Elizabeth Hope Chang
Novel Ventures - Leah Orr
Obedient Germans? A Rebuttal - Peter Blickle. Translated by Thomas A. Brady
Of Courtiers and Kings - Edited by Todd C. Peppers and Clare Cushman
Of Courtiers and Princes - Edited by Todd C. Peppers
Of Dreams and Assassins - Malika Mokeddem. Translated by K. Melissa Marcus
Of Land, Bones, and Money - Emily McGiffin
Oh, Shenandoah - Andrei Kushnir. Foreword by Dana Hand Evans. With Warren R. Hofstra, William M. S. Rasmussen, and Jeffrey C. Everett. Afterword by Edward L. Ayers
Old Dominion, New Commonwealth - Ronald L. Heinemann, John G. Kolp, Anthony S. Parent, Jr., and William G. Shade
Old Fields - John R. Stilgoe
Old Southampton - Daniel W. Crofts
Old World, New World - Edited by Leonard J. Sadosky, Peter Nicolaisen, Peter S. Onuf, and Andrew J. O’Shaughnessy
On Endings - Daniel Grausam
On Exhibit - Barbara J. Black
On the Perpetual Strangeness of the Bible - Michael Edwards
On the Trail of the D.C. Sniper - Jack R. Censer. with the assistance of William Miller
Once There Was a Farm - Virginia Bell Dabney
One Love, Ghoema Beat - John Edwin Mason
One Shot - Vanessa Thaxton-Ward
Only for the Eye of a Friend - Edited by Carla Mulford
OpenGrounds at the University of Virginia - Edited by William Sherman and Lindsey Hepler
Opportunity Time - Linwood Holton
Ordinarily Sacred - Lynda Sexson
Organic Supplements - Edited by Miriam Jacobson and Julie Park
Orienting Virtue - Bethany Williamson
Orphan Narratives - Valérie Loichot
Ossianic Unconformities - Eric Gidal
Our Coquettes - Theresa Braunschneider
Out of the Shadow - Rinda West
Outdoors Year Round - Stephen Conrad Ausband
Outside the Wire - Edited by Christine Dumaine Leche. Foreword by Brian Turner, author of "The Hurt Locker"
Paine and Jefferson in the Age of Revolutions - Edited by Simon P. Newman and Peter S. Onuf
Paper Gardens - Evelyne Bloch-Dano. Translated by Teresa Lavender Fagan. Foreword by Alice Kaplan
Paradigm and Parody - Henry F. Majewski
Paradise Dislocated - Jeffrey Skoblow
Paradise and Plantation - Ian Gregory Strachan
Parallel Worlds - Adele L. Alexander
Paranoia and Contentment - John C. Hampsey
Parlor Politics - Catherine Allgor
Parting Words - Justin A. Sider
Partners or Rivals? - Betina Cutaia Wilkinson
Pathologies of Paradise - Supriya M. Nair
Patriotism and Piety - Jonathan J. Den Hartog
Patriots, Prostitutes, and Spies - John M. Belohlavek
Peace and the Peacemakers - Ronald Hoffman and Peter J. Albert, eds.
Peacebuilding through Dialogue - Edited by Peter N. Stearns
Peak Experiences - Ian Marshall
Perfect Companionship - Ellen Glasgow. Edited by Pamela R. Matthews
Performance and Personhood in Caribbean Literature - Jeannine Murray-Román
Performatively Speaking - Debra J. Rosenthal
Periodical Literature in Nineteenth-Century America - Kenneth M. Price and Susan Belasco Smith
Perique - Charles Martin
Personal Business - Aeron Hunt
Philosophy as Poetry - Richard Rorty. Introduction by Michael Bérubé
Picturing Harrisonburg - David Ehrenpreis. Foreword by Kenneth E. Koons
Pilgrimage to Vallombrosa - John Elder
Pirating Fictions - Monica F. Cohen
Plain Paths and Dividing Lines - Jessica Lauren Taylor
Playfair - Bruce Berkowitz
Pleasures and Pains - Barry E. Milligan
Plotting Terror - Margaret Scanlan
Plotting Women - Alison Case
Plowswords - Cates Baldridge
Pocahontas, Powhatan, Opechancanough - Helen C. Rountree
Poems of Nation, Anthems of Empire - Suvir Kaul
Poetry and the Thought of Song in Nineteenth-Century Britain - Elizabeth K. Helsinger
Poetry, Symbol, and Allegory - Simon Brittan
Political Development and the New Realism in Sub-Saharan Africa - David E. Apter and Carl G. Rosberg, eds.
Polygraphies - Alison Rice
Pontius Pilate - Roger Caillois. Translated by Charles Lam Markmann, with an introduction by Ivan Strenski
Popa Singer - René Depestre. Translated by Kaiama L. Glover
Poplar Forest - Travis C. McDonald
Portrait of a Patriot - Josiah Quincy, Jr. Edited by Daniel R. Coquillette and Neil Longley York
Portrait of a Patriot - Josiah Quincy, Jr. Edited by Daniel R. Coquillette and Neil Longley York
Portrait of a Patriot - Josiah Quincy, Jr. Edited by Daniel R. Coquillette and Neil Longley York
Portrait of a Patriot - Josiah Quincy, Jr. Edited by Daniel R. Coquillette and Neil Longley York
Portrait of a Patriot - Josiah Quincy, Jr. Edited by Daniel R. Coquillette and Neil Longley York
Portrait of a Patriot - Josiah Quincy, Jr. Edited by Daniel R. Coquillette and Neil Longley York
Portraits in the Massachusetts Historical Society - Andrew Oliver
Possession, Ecstasy, and Law in Ewe Voodoo - Judy Rosenthal
Postcolonial Francophone Autobiographies - Edgard Sankara
Postcolonial Green - Edited by Bonnie Roos and Alex Hunt
Postelection Conflict Management in Nigeria - John N. Paden
Postmodernism and the Revolution in Religious Theory - Carl Raschke
Postslavery Literatures in the Americas - George B. Handley
Power and the Praise Poem - Leroy Vail and Landeg White
Power versus Liberty - James H. Read
Practical Ecocriticism - Glen A. Love
Practicing Democracy - Edited by Daniel Peart and Adam Smith
Praise of the Secular - Gabriel Vahanian
Precarious Balance - Bardwell L. Smith
Preserving the Desert - Lary M. Dilsaver
Preserving the White Man's Republic - Joshua A. Lynn
Presidential Recordings Digital Edition -
Primates in the Real World - Georgina M. Montgomery
Principle and Interest - Herbert E. Sloan
Privacy and Print - Cecile M. Jagodzinski
Private Passion, Public Promise - Sylvia Yount. introduction by Alex Nyerges
Prodigy Houses of Virginia - Barbara Burlison Mooney
Professing Sincerity - Susan B. Rosenbaum
Promises Broken - Ginger S. Frost
Prophetic Remembrance - Erica Still
Prose Immortality, 1711-1819 - Jacob Sider Jost
Public Nature - Edited by Ethan Carr, Shaun Eyring, and Richard Guy Wilson
Public Vows - Melissa J. Ganz
Pulpit and Nation - Spencer W. McBride
Pyramid of Bone - Thylias Moss
Quantitative Methods in the Humanities - Claire Lemercier and Claire Zalc. Translated by Arthur Goldhammer
Queer Virginia - Edited by Charles H. Ford and Jeffrey L. Littlejohn
Questioning Nature - Melissa Bailes
Quirks of the Quantum - Samuel Chase Coale
Race - Edited by Douglas A. Blackmon
Race Man - Ann Field Alexander
Race Relations Litigation in an Age of Complexity - Stephen L. Wasby
Race, Politics, and Reconstruction - Edited by Rory McGovern and Ronald G. Machoian
Race, Romance, and Rebellion - Colleen C. O'Brien
Racism in American Public Life - Johnnetta Betsch Cole
Radical Reform - Deborah Beckel
Radicals on the Road - Bernard Schweizer
Ralph Ellison and Kenneth Burke - Bryan Crable
Rambles of a Runaway from Southern Slavery - Henry Goings. Edited by Calvin Schermerhorn, Michael Plunkett, and Edward Gaynor
Randall Jarrell's Letters - Mary Jarrell. Edited by Mary Jarrell
Rational Meaning - Laura Jackson and Schuyler B. Jackson
Raving at Usurers - Dwight Codr
Re-Imagining Ireland - Andrew Higgins Wyndham, ed.
Re-creating the American Past - Richard Guy Wilson and Shaun Eyring, eds.
Reading Character after Calvin - David Mark Diamond
Reading Contagion - Annika Mann
Reading Popular Newtonianism - Laura Miller
Reading Reality - E. Thomas Finan
Reading Trauma Narratives - Laurie Vickroy
Reading for the Law - Christine L. Krueger
Reading the Hindu and Christian Classics - Francis X. Clooney
Reading through the Night - Jane Tompkins
Reading with the Senses in Victorian Literature and Science - David Sweeney Coombs
Realistic Visionary - Peter R. Henriques
Rearing Wolves to Our Own Destruction - Midori Takagi
Reclaiming Difference - Carine M. Mardorossian
Reclaiming Nostalgia - Jennifer K. Ladino
Reclaiming Patriotism - Amitai Etzioni
Recollections - Alexis de Tocqueville. Edited by Olivier Zunz. Translated by Arthur Goldhammer
Recollections of a Happy Life - Susan Morgan, ed.
Recomposing Ecopoetics - Lynn Keller
Reconstructing the Campus - Michael David Cohen
Reconstruction beyond 150 - Edited by Orville Vernon Burton and J. Brent Morris
Red Gentlemen and White Savages - David Andrew Nichols
Redemption from Tyranny - Bruce E. Stewart
Refiguring the Map of Sorrow - Mark Allister
Reflections of Loko Miwa - Lilas Desquiron. Translated by Robin O. Bodkin
Regenerating Romanticism - Melissa Bailes
Reinterpreting New England Indians and the Colonial Experience - Colin G. Calloway and Neal Salisbury
Religion after Postmodernism - Victor E. Taylor
Religion and Violence in a Secular World - Clayton Crockett, ed.
Religion and the Making of Nat Turner's Virginia - Randolph Ferguson Scully
Religious Freedom - John Ragosta
Remaking Custom - Ellen Holmes Pearson
Remarkable Trees of Virginia - Nancy Ross Hugo and Jeffrey Kirwan. With photographs by Robert Llewellyn
Replanting a Slave Society - Patrick Luck
Representation in the American Revolution - Gordon S. Wood
Republican Populist - Charles J. Holden, Zach Messitte, and Jerald Podair
Reshaping the Sexes in Sense and Sensibility - Moreland Perkins
Restoration Drama and the Idea of Literature - Katherine Mannheimer
Resurrections - Jeffrey Meyers
Rethinking Frank Lloyd Wright - Edited by Neil Levine and Richard Longstreth
Rethinking Sincerity and Authenticity - Howard Pickett
Revising Flannery O'Connor - Katherine Hemple Prown
Revolution in America - Don Higginbotham
Revolution in Virginia, with a new Foreword - John E. Selby
Revolutionary Diplomacy - Thomas E. Chávez
Revolutionary Negotiations - Leonard J. Sadosky
Revolutionary Outlaws - Michael Bellesiles
Revolutionary Prophecies - Edited by Robert M. S. McDonald and Peter S. Onuf. Afterword by Joanne B. Freeman
Rhetorical Investigations - Walter Jost
Richard Potter - John A. Hodgson
Richmond - Virginius Dabney
Rituals of Race - Alessandra Lorini
Rival Visions - Edited by Dustin Gish and Andrew Bibby
Road Cycling in Central Virginia - Susan E. George
Rockbridge County Artists and Artisans - Barbara Crawford
Romantic Writing and the Empire of Signs - Karen Fang
Rome Reborn on Western Shores - Eran Shalev
Roosevelt, the Great Depression, and the Economics of Recovery - Elliot A. Rosen
Roses in December - Jody Lynn Allen
Rot, Riot, and Rebellion - Rex Bowman and Carlos Santos
Royalties - Gail Turley Houston
Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám - Edward Fitzgerald. Edited by Christopher Decker
Rule Britannia! - Virginia Museum Of Fine Arts. Introductory essay by Richard Ormond. Catalogue entries by James Taylor
Rum Histories - Jennifer Poulos Nesbitt
Rumors of Revolution - Jennifer Tsien
Running on the Record - Lex Renda
Ruskin's Culture Wars - Judith Stoddart
SAH Archipedia -
Sacred Capital - Hunter Price
Sacred Claims - Greg Johnson
Sacred Order/Social Order - Philip Rieff. Edited by Kenneth S. Piver. Introduction by Alan Woolfolk
Sacred Order/Social Order - Philip Rieff. Edited by Kenneth S. Piver. Edited by Gideon Lewis-Kraus and Arnold M. Eisen. Introduction by Arnold M. Eisen
Sacred Order/Social Order - Philip Rieff. Edited by Kenneth S. Piver. Introduction by James D. Hunter
Sally Hemings and Thomas Jefferson - Edited by Jan Ellen Lewis and Peter S. Onuf
Salomé - Oscar Wilde. Translated by Joseph Donohue. Illustrated by Barry Moser
San Francisco - Andrea Ponsi
Sapphic Crossings - Ula Lukszo Klein
Satan and Salem - Benjamin C. Ray
Saul Steinberg's Literary Journeys - Jessica R. Feldman
Savage Systems - David Chidester
Saving Higher Education in the Age of Money - James Engell and Anthony Dangerfield
Saving Monticello - Marc Leepson
Saving Snakes - Nicolette L. Cagle
Saving the Chesapeake - Andrew S. Ramey
Scalawag - Edward H. Peeples, with Nancy MacLean. Afterword by James H. Hershman Jr.
Scandal at Bizarre - Cynthia A. Kierner
Scarecrows of Chivalry - Praseeda Gopinath
Schooling Jim Crow - Jay Winston Driskell Jr.
Schooling and Riding the Sport Horse - Paul D. Cronin
Scientific Jefferson - Martin Clagett
Searching for Jimmie Strother - Gregg D. Kimball. Foreword by Dom Flemons
Seashore Chronicles - Brooks M. Barnes and Barry R. Truitt, eds. Foreword by William Warner
Second Arrivals - Sarah Phillips Casteel
Second Person Singular - Emily Harrington
Seeing Jefferson Anew - edited by John B. Boles and Randal L. Hall
Segregation's Science - Gregory Michael Dorr
Selected Journals of Caroline Healey Dall - Caroline Healey Dall. Edited by Helen R. Deese
Selected Journals of Caroline Healey Dall - Caroline Healey Dall. Edited by Helen R. Deese
Selections - Anne Barriault
Selections from the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts - Anne Barriault
Semi-Detached Empire - Todd Kuchta
Settler Jamaica in the 1750s - Jack P. Greene
Seven Virginians - John B. Boles
Seventeenth-Century New England - David Grayson Allen and David D. Hall, eds.
Sex and Sects - Stewart Davenport
Sex and the Citizen - edited by Faith Smith
Sex, Lies, and Autobiography - James O'Rourke
Shaken Wisdom - Gloria Nne Onyeoziri
Shakespeare's Ocean - Dan Brayton
Shaman of Oberstdorf - Wolfgang Behringer. Translated by H. C. Erik Midelfort
Shaping the American Landscape - Charles A. Birnbaum and Stephanie Foell, eds.
Shaping the Body Politic - edited by Maurie D. McInnis and Louis P. Nelson
Shaping the Postwar Landscape - Edited by Charles A. Birnbaum and Scott Craver
Shenandoah - Hullihen Williams Moore
Shipbuilding in Colonial America - Joseph A. Goldenberg
Shorewords - Susan A. C. Rosen
Showdown in Virginia - edited by William W. Freehling and Craig M. Simpson
Sifilografía - Juan Carlos González Espitia
Sight Correction - Chris Mounsey
Signs of Dissent - Dawn Fulton
Singer of the Land of Snows - Rachel H. Pang
Singular Performances - Michael Syrotinski
Sites of Southern Memory - Darlene O'Dell
Siting Jefferson - Jill Hartz
Skimpy Coverage - Bonnie M. Hagerman
Skinny Dipping - Janet Lembke
Skyscraper Gothic - Edited by Kevin D. Murphy and Lisa Reilly
Slave in A Box - Maurice M. Manring
Slavery and War in the Americas - Vitor Izecksohn
Slavery at the Home of George Washington - Philip J. Schwarz, ed.
Slavery by Any Other Name - Eric Allina
Slavery in the City - Edited by Clifton Ellis and Rebecca Ginsburg
Slavery's Medicine - Claire E. Gherini
Slavery, Freedom, and Expansion in the Early American West - John Craig Hammond
Slavery, Secession, and Southern History - and Louis A. Ferleger, eds.
Snakes of Virginia - Donald W. Linzey and Michael Clifford
Sobering Wisdom - Edited by Jerome A. Miller and Nicholas Plants
Social Death and Resurrection - John Edwin Mason
Social Stories - Patricia Okker
Society Ties - Thomas L. Howard III and Owen W. Gallogly. Foreword by John T. Casteen III
Socrates and the Irrational - James S. Hans
Sol Plaatje - Brian Willan
Solastalgia - Edited by Paul Bogard. Foreword by Glenn Albrecht
Some Unfinished Chaos - Arthur Krystal
Something Understood - Stephen Burt,, and Nick Halpern, ed.
Sons of the Father - Edited by Robert M. S. McDonald
Soon Come - Hugh Hodges
Soul Mates of the Lost Generation - Lewis M. Dabney
Sounding the Break - Jason Frydman
South by Southwest - James D. Miller
Southern Built - Catherine W. Bishir
Southern Rights - Mark E. Neely, Jr.
Sovereign States in an Age of Uncertainty - Ronald Hoffman and Peter J. Albert, eds.
Spain and the American Revolution - Edited by Gabriel Paquette and Gonzalo M. Quintero Saravia
Spanish New Orleans and the Caribbean / La Nueva Orleans y la Caribe españoles - Edited by Alfred E. Lemmon
Speaking Silences - Andrew Vogel Ettin
Spectacle Earth - Andrew Kalaidjian
Spectacular Blackness - Amy Abugo Ongiri
Spectacular Suffering - Ramesh Mallipeddi
Speculative Enterprise - Mattie Burkert
Spirit Deep - Tisha M. Brooks
Spirituality as Ideology in Black Women's Film and Literature - Judylyn S. Ryan
Staging Civilization - Rahul Markovits. Translated by Jane Marie Todd. Preface by David A. Bell
Staging Creolization - Emily Sahakian
Starving on a Full Stomach - Diana Wylie
State and Citizen - Edited by Peter Thompson and Peter S. Onuf
States of Violence - Edna G. Bay and Donald L. Donham, eds.
Statute Law in Colonial Virginia - Warren M. Billings
Steinbeck in Vietnam - John Steinbeck. Edited by Thomas E. Barden
Sterling A. Brown - Joanne V. Gabbin
Stewards of Memory - Edited by Carol Borchert Cadou. With Luke J. Pecoraro and Thomas A. Reinhart
Story Line - Ian Marshall
Story Revolutions - Helga Lenart-Cheng
Strange Brethren - Maximilian Miguel Scholz
Stranger America - Josh Toth
Strangers in the Archive - Heidi Kaufman
Strategic Selection - Christine L. Nemacheck
Strategies for Survival - William Dusinberre
Structural Intuitions - Martin Kemp
Students to Soldiers - John F. Morris
Studies in Bibliography - Edited by David L. Vander Meulen
Studies in Bibliography - David L. Vander Meulen, ed.
Studies in Bibliography - Edited by David L. Vander Meulen
Studies in Bibliography - David L. Vander Meulen, ed.
Studies in Bibliography - Edited by David L. Vander Meulen
Studies in Bibliography - Edited by David L. Vander Meulen
Studies in Bibliography - Edited by David L. Vander Meulen
Studies in Bibliography - David L. Vander Meulen, ed.
Studies in Bibliography - Edited by David L. Vander Meulen
Subject to Negotiation - Elaine Neil Orr
Sucking Up - Deborah Parker and Mark Parker
Sugar's Secrets - Vera M. Kutzinski
Sugarloaf - Melanie Choukas-Bradley. Illustrated by Tina Thieme Brown
Suicide - Jason Manning
Summer of Hate - Hawes Spencer
Supposing Bleak House - John O. Jordan
Sustainability and Privilege - Gabriel Arboleda
Sustainable, Affordable, Prefab - John D. Quale
Sweet Negotiations - Russell R. Menard
Swift to Wrath - Edited by William D. Carrigan and Christopher Waldrep
Symbolic Loss - Peter Homans
System of Transcendental Idealism (1800) - F. W. J. Schelling. Translated by Peter Heath. Introduction by Michael Vater
Take Care of the Living - Jeffrey W. McClurken
Taking Responsibility - Winston Davis, ed.
Tales of Whilomville: "The Monster," "His New Mittens," Whilomville Stories - Stephen Crane. Introduction by J. C. Levenson
Talk Yuh Talk - Kwame Dawes
Talking Shop - Peter Betjemann
Ten Thousand Voices - Timothy Jarrett
Tennessee Williams Annual Review 2019 -
Tennessee Williams Annual Review 2020 - R. Barton Palmer
Tennessee Williams Annual Review 2021 - R. Barton Palmer
Tennessee Williams Annual Review 2022 - R. Barton Palmer
Tennyson - Daniel Albright
Tennyson's Fixations - Matthew Rowlinson
Terrible Beauty - Marian Eide
Text as Process - Sally Bushell
Textual Criticism and Middle English Texts - Tim William Machan
Textual Intimacy - Wesley A. Kort
The "Most Segregated City in America" - Charles E. Connerly
The Abandoned Baobab - Ken Bugul. Translated by Marjolijn de Jager. With an introduction by Jeanne Garane
The Abridged Diaries of Charlotte Perkins Gilman - Charlotte Perkins Gilman. Denise D. Knight, ed.
The Adventures of Amos 'n' Andy - Melvin Patrick Ely
The Afrikaners - Hermann Giliomee
The Afterlives of Animals - Edited by Samuel J.M.M. Alberti
The Agrarian Origins of American Capitalism - Allan Kulikoff
The Alchemy of Conquest - Ralph Bauer
The Algerian New Novel - Valérie K. Orlando
The American Culture Wars - James L. Nolan, Jr., ed.
The American Liberty Pole - Shira Lurie
The American Revolution - Colin Bonwick
The American Revolution and the Habsburg Monarchy - Jonathan Singerton
The American Wilderness - Thomas R. Vale
The Angel out of the House - Dorice Williams Elliott
The Anguish of Displacement - Katrina M. Powell
The Antagonist Principle - Lawrence Poston
The Architecture of Historic Rockbridge - J. Daniel Pezzoni
The Architecture of Influence - Amanda Reeser Lawrence
The Architecture of Suspense - Christine Madrid French. Foreword by Alan Hess
The Arresting Eye - Jinny Huh
The Art of Fiction - James Salter. Introduction by John D. Casey
The Arts of India - Joseph M. Dye III
The Barking Tree Frog and Other Curious Tales - Diane C. Tennant
The Bastards - Bertne Juminer. Translated by Keith Q. Warner
The Battle for the Court - Lawrence Baum, David Klein, and Matthew J. Streb
The Belgian Friendship Building - Kathleen James-Chakraborty, Katherine M. Kuenzli, and Bryan Clark Green
The Belle Créole - Maryse Condé. Translated by Nicole Simek. Afterword by Dawn Fulton
The Best and Worst Country in the World - Stephen Adams
The Big House after Slavery - Amy Feely Morsman
The Bill of Rights - Eugene W. Hickok, Jr., ed.
The Bill of Rights - Ronald Hoffman and Peter J. Albert, eds.
The Bill of Rights, The Courts, and the Law - David Bearinger, ed.
The Blood of Paradise - Stephen Goodwin. Preface by Richard Bausch
The Book of Common Prayer, 1559 - Booty, John E., ed. Foreword by Judith D. Maltby
The Book of Numbers - Robert Deane Pharr. Afterword by Jabari Asim
The Booker T. Washington Papers Digital Edition -
The Bourgeois Interior - Julia Prewitt Brown
The Cabinetmaker and the Carver - Gerald W. R. Ward
The Cacophony of Politics - J. Matthew Gallman
The Camaro in the Pasture - Robert B. Riley
The Case for Identity Politics - Christopher T. Stout
The Celebrated Elizabeth Smith - Lucia McMahon
The Changing Scale of American Agriculture - John Fraser Hart
The Charlotte Perkins Gilman Reader - Charlotte Perkins Gilman. Edited by Ann J. Lane
The Child, the State and the Victorian Novel - Laura C. Berry
The Circus and Victorian Society - Brenda Assael
The Citizenship Revolution - Douglas Bradburn
The Civil War Political Tradition - Paul D. Escott
The Civilizations of Africa - Christopher Ehret
The Collected Essays of Josephine J. Turpin Washington - Josephine Turpin Washington. Edited by Rita B. Dandridge
The Collected Poetry - Leopold Sedar Senghor. Translated by Melvin Dixon
The Collected Poetry of Paul Laurence Dunbar - Joanne M. Braxton, ed.
The Colonial Church Records of the First Church of Reading (Wakefield) and the First Church of Rumney Marsh (Revere) - James F. Cooper and Kenneth P. Minkema, eds.
The Color of Power - Frédérick Douzet. Translated by George Holoch
The Color of Their Skin - Robert A. Pratt
The Complete Colonial Gentleman - Michal J. Rozbicki
The Complete Pamphlets of Lewis Carroll - Lewis Carroll
The Complete Pamphlets of Lewis Carroll - Lewis Carroll. Edited by Francine Abeles
The Complete Pamphlets of Lewis Carroll - Lewis Carroll. Edited by Francine Abeles
The Complete Pamphlets of Lewis Carroll - Lewis Carroll. Edited by Edward Wakeling
The Complete Pamphlets of Lewis Carroll - Lewis Carroll. Edited by Francine Abeles
The Complete Pamphlets of Lewis Carroll - Lewis Carroll. Edited by Christopher Morgan
The Constitution before the Judgment Seat - Jürgen Heideking. Edited by John P. Kaminski and Richard Leffler
The Constitutional Thought of Thomas Jefferson - David N. Mayer
The Conversation of Humanity - Stephen Mulhall
The Correspondence of James K. Polk Digital Edition -
The Correspondence of John Cotton Jr. - edited by Sheila McIntyre and Len Travers
The Correspondence of Thomas Hutchinson - Thomas Hutchinson. Edited by John W. Tyler and Elizabeth Dubrulle
The Correspondence of Thomas Hutchinson - Thomas Hutchinson. Edited by John W. Tyler and Elizabeth Dubrulle
The Correspondence of Thomas Hutchinson - Thomas Hutchinson. Edited by John W. Tyler
The Correspondence of Thomas Hutchinson - Thomas Hutchinson. Edited by John W. Tyler and Margaret A. Hogan
The Correspondence of Thomas Hutchinson - Thomas Hutchinson. Edited by John W. Tyler
The Correspondence of William James - William James. Edited by Ignas K. Skrupskelis and Elizabeth M. Berkeley
The Correspondence of William James - William James. Edited by Ignas K. Skrupskelis and Elizabeth M. Berkeley
The Correspondence of William James - William James. Edited by Ignas K. Skrupskelis and Elizabeth M. Berkeley
The Correspondence of William James - William James. Edited by Ignas K. Skrupskelis and Elizabeth M. Berkeley
The Correspondence of William James - William James. Edited by Ignas K. Skrupskelis and Elizabeth M. Berkeley
The Correspondence of William James - William James. Edited by Ignas K. Skrupskelis and Elizabeth M. Berkeley
The Correspondence of William James - William James. Edited by Ignas K. Skrupskelis and Elizabeth M. Berkeley
The Correspondence of William James - William James. Edited by Ignas K. Skrupskelis and Elizabeth M. Berkeley
The Correspondence of William James - William James. Edited by Ignas K. Skrupskelis and Elizabeth M. Berkeley
The Correspondence of William James - William James. Edited by Ignas K. Skrupskelis and Elizabeth M. Berkeley
The Correspondence of William James - William James. Edited by Ignas K. Skrupskelis and Elizabeth M. Berkeley
The Cosmos, the Person, and the Sadhana - Yael Bentor
The Courthouses of Early Virginia - Carl R. Lounsbury
The Cowboy Capitalist - Charles van Onselen
The Cross-Dressed Caribbean - Edited by Maria Cristina Fumagalli, Bénédicte Ledent, and Roberto del Valle Alcalá
The Cubans - Jack Beckham Combs. introduction by Julia Sweig
The Curry School of Education at the University of Virginia, 1905-2005 - Eleanor Vernon Wilson
The Dangerous First Year - Edited by William I. Hitchcock and Melvyn P. Leffler
The Dean Disordered - Paul William Child
The Devil's Art - Jason Philip Coy
The Diaries of George Washington - George Washington
The Diaries of George Washington - George Washington
The Diaries of George Washington - George Washington
The Diaries of George Washington - George Washington
The Diaries of George Washington - George Washington
The Diaries of George Washington - George Washington. Edited by Donald Jackson, Co-Ed Dorothy Twohig
The Diaries of Gouverneur Morris - Gouverneur Morris. Edited by Melanie Randolph Miller
The Diaries of Gouverneur Morris - Gouverneur Morris. Edited by Melanie Randolph Miller
The Diasporan Self - J. Lee Greene
The Documentary History of the First Federal Congress -
The Documentary History of the Ratification of the Constitution -
The Dolley Madison Digital Edition -
The Domestic Life of Thomas Jefferson - Sarah N. Randolph
The Dooleys of Richmond - Mary Lynn Bayliss
The Dynamics of Genre - Dallas Liddle
The Early Christian Doctrine of God - Robert M. Grant
The Ecological Plot - John MacNeill Miller
The Edge of The South - Edward L. Ayers
The Education of Henry Adams - Henry Adams. Edited by Edward Chalfant and Conrad Edick Wright
The Educational Legacy of Woodrow Wilson - Edited by James Axtell
The Eighteenth Centuries - Edited by David T. Gies and Cynthia Wall
The Eighteenth Century Records of the Boston Overseers of the Poor - Eric G. Nellis and Anne Decker Cecere, eds.
The Eleanor Roosevelt Papers - Eleanor Roosevelt. Edited by Allida Black
The Eleanor Roosevelt Papers - Eleanor Roosevelt. Edited by Allida Black. Foreword by Boutros Boutros-Ghali
The Elections of 2020 - Edited by Michael Nelson
The Elections of 2024 - Edited by Michael Nelson
The Enemy Within - Michael Thomas Smith
The English Cult of Literature - William R. McKelvy
The Epic of Cuba Libre - Éric Morales-Franceschini
The Equality of Believers - Richard Elphick
The Evil Necessity - Denver Brunsman
The Evolution of a Rural Free Black Community - Reginald D. Butler. Edited by Peter S. Onuf
The Executioner's Journal - Frantz Schmidt. Translated by Joel F. Harrington
The False Cause - Adam H. Domby
The Family Letters of Thomas Jefferson - Edwin Morris Betts, ed.
The Farmer, the Gastronome, and the Chef - Daniel J. Philippon
The Feminine Political Novel in Victorian England - Barbara Leah Harman
The Festival of the Greasy Pole - René Depestre
The Field of Imagination - Scott M. Cleary
The Fight for Fairfax - Russ Banham
The Finger of God - Robert R. Edgar
The First Republican Army - John H. Matsui
The First Seventeen Years - Charles E. Hatch, Jr.
The Five George Masons - Pamela C. Copeland and Richard K. McMaster
The Flirt's Tragedy - Richard A. Kaye
The Food Axis - Elizabeth Cromley
The Forgotten Female Aesthetes - Talia Schaffer
The Founders on the Founders - Edited by John P. Kaminski
The Founding of Thomas Jefferson's University - Edited by John A. Ragosta, Peter S. Onuf, and Andrew J. O’Shaughnessy
The Fowl and the Pussycat - Michael Field. Edited by Sharon Bickle
The Fruits and Fruit Trees of Monticello - Peter J. Hatch
The Fuggers of Augsburg - Mark Häberlein
The Furious Flowering of African American Poetry - Joanne V. Gabbin, ed.
The Fury and Cries of Women - Angèle Rawiri. Translated by Sara Hanaburgh. Afterword by Cheryl Toman
The Garden in the Machine - Avigail Sachs
The General in the Garden - Edited by Susan P. Schoelwer
The Genius of John Ruskin - John D. Rosenberg. Foreword by Herber F. Tucker
The Geometry of Genocide - Bradley Campbell
The German Discovery of the World - Christine R. Johnson
The Ghost behind the Masks - W. David Shaw
The Golden Avant-Garde - Raphael Sassower and Louis Cicotello
The Golden-Bristled Boar - Jeffrey Greene
The Grand Collaboration - Steven K. Green
The Grandees of Government - Brent Tarter
The Great Elector's Table - Molly Taylor-Poleskey
The Great Valley Road of Virginia - Edited by Warren R. Hofstra and Karl Raitz
The Great Virginia Triumvirate - John P. Kaminski
The Gypsy-Bachelor of Manchester - Felicia Bonaparte
The Haitian Declaration of Independence - Edited by Julia Gaffield
The Haitian Revolution in the Literary Imagination - Philip James Kaisary
The Hand and the Soul - Sanda Iliescu, ed.
The Haverford Discussions - Edited by Michael Lackey
The Hedgehog Review Reader - Edited by Jay Tolson. Preface by James Davison Hunter
The History of Ornithology in Virginia - David W. Johnston
The Horse in Virginia - Julie A. Campbell
The Illiberal Imagination - Joe Shapiro
The Illimitable Freedom of the Human Mind - Andrew J. O’Shaughnessy
The Illusory Boundary - Edited by Martin Reuss and Stephen H. Cutcliffe
The Image of Thomas Jefferson in the Public Eye - Noble E. Cunningham, Jr.
The Importance of Being Different - Chris Foss
The Inner Jefferson - Andrew Burstein
The Insurgent Delegate - Edited by William C. diGiacomantonio
The Invading Body - Einat Avrahami
The Invention of George Washington - Paul K. Longmore
The Irish and the Imagination of Race - Patrick R. O'Malley
The Jefferson Image in the American Mind - Merrill D. Peterson
The John Henry County Map of Virginia, 1770 - John Henry. Introduction Louis B. Wright
The Katrina Decade - David G. Spielman
The Key to the Door - Edited by Maurice Apprey and Shelli M. Poe
The Knowing Most Worth Doing - Wayne Booth. Edited by Walter Jost
The Ladder of High Designs - Edited by Doranne Fenoaltea and David Lee Rubin
The Land without Shadows - Abdourahman A. Waberi. Translated by Jeanne Garane. Foreword by Nuruddin Farah.
The Language of Democracy - Andrew W. Robertson
The Language of Flowers - Beverly Seaton
The Last Afrikaner Leaders - Hermann Giliomee
The Last Launch - Yi-Fu Tuan
The Last Undiscovered Place - David K. Leff
The Last of the African Kings - Maryse Condé, translated by Richard Philcox
The Law School at the University of Virginia - Philip Mills Herrington
The Lawn - Pendleton Hogan
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The Papers of George Washington - George Washington. Edited by W. W. Abbot
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The Papers of George Washington - George Washington
The Papers of George Washington - George Washington. Edited by Benjamin L. Huggins and Adrina Garbooshian-Huggins
The Papers of George Washington - George Washington. Edited by W. W. Abbot
The Papers of George Washington - George Washington. Edited by Philander D. Chase
The Papers of George Washington - George Washington. Edited by Dorothy Twohig
The Papers of George Washington - George Washington. Edited by W. W. Abbot and Dorothy Twohig
The Papers of George Washington - George Washington. Edited by William M. Ferraro
The Papers of George Washington - George Washington. Edited by Philander D. Chase
The Papers of George Washington - George Washington. Edited by Dorothy Twohig
The Papers of George Washington - George Washington. Edited by Dorothy Twohig
The Papers of George Washington - George Washington. Edited by Dorothy Twohig
The Papers of George Washington - George Washington. Edited by Dorothy Twohig
The Papers of George Washington - George Washington. Edited by Benjamin L. Huggins
The Papers of George Washington - George Washington
The Papers of George Washington - George Washington. Edited by Philander D. Chase
The Papers of George Washington - George Washington. Edited by Christine Sternberg Patrick
The Papers of George Washington - George Washington. Edited by Dorothy Twohig
The Papers of George Washington - George Washington. Edited by Dorothy Twohig
The Papers of George Washington - George Washington. Edited by W. W. Abbot and Dorothy Twohig
The Papers of George Washington - George Washington. Edited by Dorothy Twohig
The Papers of George Washington - George Washington. Edited by Philander D. Chase
The Papers of George Washington - George Washington. Edited by Adrina Garbooshian-Huggins
The Papers of George Washington - George Washington. Edited by Washington Papers Editors
The Papers of George Washington - George Washington. Edited by Philander D. Chase and William M. Ferraro
The Papers of George Washington - George Washington. Edited by David R. Hoth and Carol S. Ebel
The Papers of George Washington - George Washington. Edited by Benjamin L. Huggins
The Papers of George Washington - George Washington. Edited by W. W. Abbot
The Papers of George Washington - George Washington. Edited by W. W. Abbot and Dorothy Twohig
The Papers of George Washington - George Washington. Edited by David R. Hoth and William M. Ferraro
The Papers of George Washington - George Washington. Edited by Edward G. Lengel
The Papers of George Washington - George Washington. Edited by W. W. Abbot
The Papers of George Washington - George Washington. Edited by Edward G. Lengel
The Papers of George Washington - George Washington. Edited by W. W. Abbot
The Papers of George Washington - George Washington. Edited by W. W. Abbot
The Papers of George Washington - George Washington. Edited by W. W. Abbot
The Papers of George Washington - George Washington. Edited by W. W. Abbot and Dorothy Twohig
The Papers of George Washington - George Washington. Edited by W. W. Abbot
The Papers of George Washington - George Washington. Edited by W. W. Abbot
The Papers of George Washington - George Washington. Edited by Philander D. Chase
The Papers of George Washington - George Washington. Edited by Philander D. Chase
The Papers of George Washington - George Washington. Edited by Philander D. Chase
The Papers of George Washington - George Washington. Edited by Philander D. Chase
The Papers of George Washington - George Washington. Edited by Philander D. Chase
The Papers of George Washington - George Washington. Edited by W. W. Abbot
The Papers of George Washington - George Washington. Edited by David R. Hoth
The Papers of George Washington - George Washington. Edited by Edward G. Lengel
The Papers of George Washington - George Washington. Edited by David R. Hoth and Carol S. Ebel
The Papers of George Washington - George Washington. Edited by Washington Papers Editors
The Papers of George Washington - George Washington. Edited by David R. Hoth
The Papers of George Washington - George Washington. Edited by W. W. Abbot
The Papers of George Washington - George Washington. Edited by W. W. Abbot
The Papers of George Washington - George Washington. Edited by Washington Papers Editors
The Papers of George Washington - George Washington. Edited by William M. Ferraro
The Papers of George Washington - George Washington. Edited by Washington Papers Editors
The Papers of George Washington - George Washington. Edited by Washington Papers Editors
The Papers of George Washington - George Washington. Edited by W. W. Abbot and Dorothy Twohig
The Papers of George Washington - George Washington. Edited by W. W. Abbot and Edward G. Lengel
The Papers of George Washington - George Washington. Edited by W. W. Abbot and Dorothy Twohig
The Papers of George Washington - George Washington. Edited by W. W. Abbot and Dorothy Twohig
The Papers of George Washington - George Washington. Edited by W. W. Abbot and Dorothy Twohig
The Papers of George Washington - George Washington. Edited by Dorothy Twohig
The Papers of George Washington - George Washington. Edited by W. W. Abbot
The Papers of George Washington - George Washington. Edited by W. W. Abbot
The Papers of George Washington - George Washington. Edited by Dorothy Twohig
The Papers of George Washington - George Washington. Edited by Carol S. Ebel
The Papers of George Washington - George Washington. Edited by W. W. Abbot
The Papers of George Washington - George Washington. Edited by W. W. Abbot and Dorothy Twohig
The Papers of George Washington - George Washington. Edited by William M. Ferraro
The Papers of George Washington - George Washington and Benjamin L. Huggins
The Papers of George Washington - George Washington. Edited by Christine Sternberg Patrick
The Papers of George Washington - George Washington. Benjamin L. Huggins
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The Papers of James Madison - James Madison. Edited by Mary A. Hackett, J. C. A. Stagg, Ellen J. Barber, Anne Mandeville Colony, and Angela Kreider
The Papers of James Madison - James Madison. Edited by J. C. A. Stagg, Mary Parke Johnson, Katharine E. Harbury, and Anne Mandeville Colony
The Papers of James Madison - James Madison. Edited by Mary A. Hackett, J. C. A. Stagg, Mary Parke Johnson, Anne Mandeville Colony, Angela Kreider, Jeanne Kerr Cross, and Wendy Ellen Perry
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The Papers of James Madison - James Madison. Edited by Mary A. Hackett, J. C. A. Stagg, Jeanne Kerr Cross, Susan Holbrook Perdue, and Ellen J. Barber
The Papers of James Madison - James Madison and David B. Mattern. Edited by J. C. A. Stagg, Ellen J. Barber, Anne Mandeville Colony, and Bradley J. Daigle
The Papers of James Madison - James Madison. Edited by Mary A. Hackett, J. C. A. Stagg, Anne Mandeville Colony, Katharine E. Harbury, and Mary Parke Johnson
The Papers of James Madison - James Madison. Edited by Angela Kreider, J. C. A. Stagg, Mary Parke Johnson, Katharine E. Harbury, and Anne Mandeville Colony
The Papers of James Madison - James Madison. Edited by Mary A. Hackett, J. C. A. Stagg, Mary Parke Johnson, Anne Mandeville Colony, and Katharine E. Harbury
The Papers of James Madison - James Madison. Edited by Angela Kreider, J. C. A. Stagg, Mary Parke Johnson, and Anne Mandeville Colony
The Papers of James Madison - James Madison
The Papers of James Madison - James Madison. Edited by Angela Kreider, J. C. A. Stagg, Mary Parke Johnson, Anne Mandeville Colony, and Katharine E. Harbury
The Papers of James Madison - James Madison. Edited by Mary A. Hackett, J. C. A. Stagg, Anne Mandeville Colony, Mary Parke Johnson, and Katharine E. Harbury
The Papers of James Madison - James Madison. Edited by David B. Mattern, J. C. A. Stagg, Mary Parke Johnson, and Anne Mandeville Colony
The Papers of James Madison - James Madison. Edited by David B. Mattern, J. C. A. Stagg, Mary Parke Johnson, and Katharine E. Harbury
The Papers of James Madison - James Madison. Edited by J. C. A. Stagg, Jeanne Kerr Cross, Jewel L. Spangler, Ellen J. Barber, Martha J. King, Anne Mandeville Colony, and Susan Holbrook Perdue
The Papers of James Madison - James Madison. Edited by David B. Mattern, J. C. A. Stagg, Jeanne Kerr Cross, and Susan Holbrook Perdue
The Papers of James Madison - James Madison. Edited by Armin Mattes, David B. Mattern, J. C. A. Stagg, Anne Mandeville Colony, Ellen D. Goldlust, Mary Parke Johnson, and Katharine E. Harbury
The Papers of James Madison - James Madison. Edited by Angela Kreider, J. C. A. Stagg, Anne Mandeville Colony, Katharine E. Harbury, and Mary Parke Johnson
The Papers of James Madison - James Madison
The Papers of James Madison - James Madison. Edited by Mary A. Hackett, J. C. A. Stagg, Jeanne Kerr Cross, and Susan Holbrook Perdue
The Papers of James Madison - James Madison. Edited by J. C. A. Stagg, Jeanne Kerr Cross, and Susan Holbrook Perdue
The Papers of James Madison - James Madison. Edited by J. C. A. Stagg, Martha J. King, Ellen J. Barber, Anne Mandeville Colony, Angela Kreider, and Jewel L. Spangler
The Papers of James Madison - James Madison
The Papers of James Madison - James Madison. Edited by Robert A. Rutland, Thomas A. Mason, Robert J. Brugger, Susannah H. Jones, Jeanne K. Sisson, and Fredrika J. Teute
The Papers of James Madison - James Madison. Edited by David B. Mattern, J. C. A. Stagg, Mary Parke Johnson, and Anne Mandeville Colony
The Papers of James Madison - James Madison. Edited by J. C. A. Stagg, Jeanne Kerr Cross, and Susan Holbrook Perdue
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Virginia Landmarks of Black History - Calder Loth, ed.
Virginia Reconsidered - Kevin R. Hardwick and Warren R. Hofstra
Virginia Wine - Andrew A. Painter
Virginia's Civil War - Peter Wallenstein and Bertram Wyatt-Brown, eds.
Virginia's Historic Courthouses - John O. Peters and Margaret T. Peters. Foreword by Lewis F. Powell, Jr.
Virginia's Hunting Guide - Bob Gooch
Virginia's Wild Side - Curtis J. Badger
Virginians Reborn - Jewel L. Spangler
Virginians and Their Histories - Brent Tarter
Visions of the Land - Michael A. Bryson
Visions of the Maid - Robin Blaetz
Visitors to Monticello - Merrill D. Peterson, ed.
Visuality for Architects - Branko Mitrovic
Voices from Beyond - Scott M. Sanders
Voicing Memory - Nick Nesbitt
Voters’ Verdicts - Chris W. Bonneau and Damon M. Cann
Vulnerable States - Guillermina De Ferrari
Waiting for the Vote of the Wild Animals - Ahmadou Kourouma. Translated by Carrol F. Coates. Afterword by Carrol F. Coates
Walk the Barrio - Cristina Rodriguez
Wandering Memory - Jan J. Dominique. Translated by Emma Donovan Page
Wanted - Rachel Hall
War Diaries - Edited by Elisa Dainese. Edited by Aleksandar Stanicic
War upon Our Border - Stephen I. Rockenbach
Washington's Government - Edited by Max M. Edling and Peter J. Kastor
Watchdogs - Glenn A. Fine
Water Graves - Valérie Loichot
Waters of Potowmack - Paul Metcalf. With a foreword by John Casey
We Are Kings - Spencer Jackson
We Face the Dawn - Margaret Edds
We Write for Our Own Time - Alexander Burnham, ed.
We, Us, and Them - Douglas Dowland
Weevils in the Wheat - Charles L. Perdue, Jr., and Thomas E. Barden
West with the Rise - James Barilla
Westernness - Alan Williamson
What Reconstruction Meant - Bruce E. Baker
What Should I Read Next? - Jessica Feldman and Robert Stilling, eds.
What Time and Sadness Spared - Roma Nutkiewicz Ben-Atar. with Doron S. Ben-Atar
What We Value - Lynn Pasquerella
What's Bugging You? - Arthur V. Evans
When Dissents Matter - Pamela C. Corley, Amy Steigerwalt, and Artemus Ward
When the Sun Danced - Jeffrey S. Bennett
Whispers of Rebellion - Michael L. Nicholls
White Tongue, Brown Skin - Maya Boutaghou
White, Red, and Black - Frank Craven
Wild Dog Dreaming - Deborah Bird Rose
Wild Enlightenment - Richard Nash
Wild Flowers of Tidewater Virginia - Oscar Wand Gupton and Fred C. Swope
Willa Cather - Janis P. Stout
Willa Cather's Southern Connections - Ann Romines, ed.
Willful Submission - Amanda Paxton
William Edward Dodd - Fred Arthur Bailey
William Wordsworth and the Ecology of Authorship - Scott Hess
William and Henry James - William James. Edited by Ignas K. Skrupskelis and Elizabeth M. Berkeley. Introduction by John J. McDermott
Williamsburg, Virginia - Martha Hamilton-Phillips and Robert P. Maccubbin, eds.
Winged Stallions and Wicked Mares - Wendy Doniger
Winthrop Papers, 1650-1654 - Malcolm Freiberg
Witchcraft and the Papacy - Rainer Decker. Translated by H. C. Erik Midelfort
With the Hammer of Truth - Michael Durey
Without the Novel - Scott Black
Witness to America's Past - MHS Staff
Wives of the Leopard - Edna G. Bay
Women Fight, Women Write - Mildred Mortimer
Women Waging War in the American Revolution - Edited by Holly A. Mayer
Women Writers of the Beat Era - Mary Paniccia Carden
Women and British Aestheticism - Talia Schaffer, ed. Kathy Alexis Psomiades, ed.
Women and Laughter - Frances Gray
Women and Public Policies - Joyce Gelb and Marian Lief Palley
Women as Subjects - Edited by Nita Kumar
Women in Exile - Mahnaz Afkhami
Women in George Washington’s World - Edited by Charlene M. Boyer Lewis and George W. Boudreau
Women in the American Revolution - Edited by Barbara B. Oberg
Women of Algiers in Their Apartment - Assia Djebar. Translated by Marjolijn de Jager and Clarisse Zimra
Woodrow Wilson and the Great War - Robert W. Tucker
Word, Like Fire - Valerie C. Cooper
Words Made Flesh - Sean Dempsey
World's Fair Gardens - Cathy Jean Maloney
Worth a Dozen Men - Libra R. Hilde
Writing Early America - Trevor Burnard
Writing Home - Mary Suzanne Schriber
Writing Rumba - Miguel Arnedo-Gómez
Writing War in the Twentieth Century - Margot Norris
Writing and Postcolonialism in the Early Republic - Edward Watts
Writing the Urban Jungle - Joseph McLaughlin
Writing through Jane Crow - Ayesha K. Hardison
Written on the Water - Samuel Baker
Xu Bing - John B. Ravenal, Wu Hung, Lydia Liu, and Edward Melillo. Edited by Reiko Tomii
Yankee Correspondence - Nina Silber and Mary Beth Sievens
Yard Birds - Philip Levy
Year Zero - Christopher P. Liddell
Yorktown's Captive Fleet - John O. Sands
You Come Too - Lesley Lee Francis. Foreword by Jay Parini
Young America - Mark Power Smith
Yuletide in Dixie - Robert E. May
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